After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 141 Find a Big V and Send the Photos

Chapter 141 Find a Big V and Send the Photos
"Qin Qi, didn't you give her that bottle of water? Just let her go? What about the photos you took? Do you want to post them?"

It was Xu Qinqi who looked away, and the astonishment in his dark eyes was still there: "Su Zhaoxue is a beauty!"

"Well, what?" The person next to him had an inexplicable expression on his face: "Qin Qi, don't you have a crush on Su Zhaoxue, have you forgotten your purpose of getting close to her?"

The corner of Xu Qinqi's mouth curled up into a sneer, and then he put his hands in his pockets, turned and walked towards the other side: "Of course I haven't forgotten, Gu Ping and Song Yiran, I must avenge the revenge of back then, the Gu family is Well, I really can't fight, but hey, wait and see. Even if it is a thousand-foot long embankment, small ants can also collapse it."

The person next to him stepped up to keep up: "What about the photos I took? I originally wanted to make Su Zhaoxue faint, and then take a few photos of her to threaten her, but now I only take a few photos of you standing together Intimate photos."

"Well, have you photographed Qin Zexi?"

"It's shot!"

"Find a big V to send the photos! Su Zhen posted the video before, and the last time Su Zhaoxue and Wang Xuan'er were together. Taking advantage of the hot searches these few times, I don't believe that the Gu family doesn't plan to intervene."

Qin Zexi had already returned to the villa with Su Zhaoxue, and this was Yu Guo's phone call!
"What, sister Xue, you've already gone back, why didn't you tell me." Although Yu Guo's voice was a bit high-pitched, it didn't sound as sullen as before, and seemed quite happy.

Su Zhaoxue was also happy, but couldn't help but said: "How about it, are you still a wolf with a big tail?"

"Sister Xue, you are laughing at me."

While talking, she secretly glanced at Zhong Lian, but she didn't want him to be looking at her too.

The eyeballs rolled quickly, and the little face turned red!

"I don't. I'm concerned about you, Xiaoguoer. If you really like him, you can tell him that he's a nice person when I look at him."

The good intentions were exposed, and Yu Guo felt more and more shy: "Oh sister Xue, don't talk nonsense, since you got home safely, then I will hang up."

After speaking, clutching his beating heart, he quickly hung up the phone.

"Hey, Yu Guo, why are you blushing? Did Ms. Zhaoxue say something? Where is she?" Zhong Lian stood aside, not knowing why.

Yu Guo pretended to look out of the window: "Cough, sister Xue has already gone back, have you had dinner, why don't we go have dinner together?"

Su Zhaoxue, who hung up the phone, walked towards the villa.

Qin Zexi was standing at the door waiting for her, while Han Bo was standing aside, and for some unknown reason, Han Bo's face was dark.

In the past, when Su Zhaoxue came back, she would pretend to say hello, but today she just ignored the past.

"Why don't you go in." Su Zhaoxue didn't care too much, it wasn't a day or two since Han Bo didn't like her.

"Wait for you." Qin Zexi said lightly, and then naturally took her hand again.

Su Zhaoxue felt a sweetness in her heart, she bit her lip and laughed when she saw the hands held together by the two.

Go into the house and wash your hands, and then have dinner!
After dinner, Su Zhaoxue went upstairs and returned to her room, while Qin Zexi went into the study, and Han Bo went in together!

(End of this chapter)

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