After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 142 Calling Her Young Mistress

Chapter 142 Calling Her Young Mistress

Qin Zexi heard the sound of closing the door, and only then realized that Han Bo also came in.

Glancing at him, he sat calmly at his desk, and then opened his work notebook.

Han Bo held a cup of coffee in his hand. After he put the coffee away, he stood in front of the desk and looked at Qin Zexi silently for a while. Seeing that Qin Zexi didn't intend to speak, he thought about it. , and then said: "Master, there is a saying that Uncle Han doesn't know whether to say it or not."

"Since you have already come in, do you want to remind me to drive you out by saying this again?"

Qin Zexi looked at the computer without even raising his head!
Han Bo was choked, his face turned green and pale, but he still said softly: "I heard from the maid who cleaned the room that you came out of Miss Su's room today?"

Qin Zexi didn't respond, Han Bo waited for a while, and seeing that he still didn't intend to speak, he continued: "Master, you know that the old man intends to let you."

"Han Bo, if you miss the capital very much, I can tell grandpa to transfer you back tomorrow."

In the middle of speaking, Qin Zexi suddenly raised his head and interrupted Han Bo's words. There seemed to be icy blades in his eyes, and even the tone of his speech was no longer polite to his elders.

Although the tone is not high, it is also shocking!
Han Bo was specially sent by Mr. Gu to take care of Qin Zexi, and he shouldered the heavy responsibility that Mr. Gu entrusted to him.

Qin Zexi needs to report to the old man about his basic necessities of life.

Although he chose to conceal the fact that Su Zhaoxue lived in the villa, he still knew what his responsibility was.

Even at this moment, at the risk of making Qin Zexi angry, he still had to say something that should be said.

"Master, even if you drive me back to the capital tomorrow, I still have to say these words."

"You like Miss Su, I know that, and I can see it."

"But what is Miss Su's identity, and what is your identity, I think you should be very clear."

"If you brought back another girl today, a lady from another family, Han Bo, I might not stand here and say such a thing."

"Second Miss was raised by me. I also know how much the old man loves her. It was because of this Miss Su that Second Miss and uncle had a car accident. Master, don't you hate it?"

"Who told you this?" Qin Zexi frowned and looked at Han Bo, his ink-like eyes were full of doubts.

Only grandpa and aunt know about this matter, and grandpa will definitely not say it!

"What did your aunt tell you?"

Han Bo lowered his head: "No."

"That's Song Yiran!"

"Master, Miss Yiran didn't take the initiative to tell me, but I asked myself." Han Bo hurriedly raised his head and explained.

Seeing Han Bo's flustered look, Qin Zexi suddenly sneered, a sharp light flashed in his eyes, then picked up the coffee cup next to him, and threw it forward.

"Han Bo, you are an old man who has stayed in the Gu family for decades. You understand the rules of the Gu family, right? You will be kicked out of the Gu family if you gossip. You know that, right?"

"Also, Su Zhaoxue was brought back by me. She is my Qin Zexi's woman. Since you call me young master, I will trouble you to call her young mistress in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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