After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 19 Recording

Chapter 19 Recording
Xiao Huang almost dropped the phone in Zhang Xiaoxiao's hand due to Zhang Xiaoxiao's roar. He glanced at Zhang Xiaoxiao, a trace of disgust flashed in his eyes, and he lowered his head to look through the phone book again.

Su Zhaoxue no longer had the patience to continue spending time with them here, turned her head to Director Li and said, "Director, I'm actually very talkative, and I won't make things difficult for you. I'll give you two days to discuss it. , either call me back and continue filming, or put liquidated damages into my account, I consciously pack up and leave, otherwise..."

Su Zhaoxue suddenly laughed, and then raised the phone in her hand: "As long as I have spoken in this room today, I will record it. If you push me into a hurry, I will send today's recording to you." Going online, I’m a small third-tier artist anyway, and if I get a top artist to back me up, I’ll make money.”

What Su Zhaoxue said was actually for Zhang Xiaoxiao and Zhang Hongzhi.

The reason why she recorded was entirely for self-protection. She needed the show, she and Yu Guo needed living expenses, and Mei Hong needed medical expenses.

Anyway, in a word, she needs money!

"Let's go." After Su Zhaoxue finished speaking, she pulled Yu Guo and was about to leave.

Zhang Xiaoxiao suddenly became anxious, and stopped her: "Su Zhaoxue, why are you so despicable, you deleted the recording."

Zhang Xiaoxiao is not an idiot, what she said today, what Zhang Hongzhi said, as long as Su Zhaoxue posts this recording on the Internet, her reputation will definitely be ruined, even if she spends money, it may not be able to restore it.

Su Zhaoxue gave her a cold look, pulled Yu Guo around her, and was about to go out.

"Dad." Su Zhaoxue's gaze made Zhang Xiaoxiao feel terrified, she didn't dare to stop her, so she called Zhang Hongzhi: "Stop her quickly."

Zhang Hongzhi came back to his senses, and was about to pull Su Zhaoxue when he came over: "Su Zhaoxue, stop for me, if you don't delete the recording today, you will never leave this room."

"Ah." Yu Guo saw that it was not good. If Zhang Hongzhi stopped here, she and Su Zhaoxue would have no hope at all, and subconsciously screamed.

"Boss, we..." Zhong Lian listened outside, but became anxious, and hurriedly reminded Qin Zexi, after listening for so long, should he go in.

Unexpectedly, before the words were finished, Qin Zexi heard a "bang", and kicked the door open.

tsk tsk.
Zhong Lian nodded involuntarily, the boss is really domineering!

Such a loud noise naturally attracted everyone in the room to look over.

Xiao Huang, Zhang Hongzhi's assistant, was the first to react. He was so frightened that he quickly put down his phone and pulled Zhang Hongzhi in the dark. Then he smiled flatteringly: "Boss Qin, why are you here?"

Qin Zexi ignored him, and his eyes fell on Su Zhaoxue from the moment he entered the room.

Su Zhaoxue's makeup is still there, and her costumes haven't been changed. It's not like Qin Zexi hasn't watched her TV shows, and of course she's seen her ancient costumes, but she has never been so beautiful.

"President Qin, why are you here in person?"

When the big boss came, Zhang Hongzhi immediately turned into a dog-legged look, and then leaned forward.

Qin Zexi withdrew his gaze, squinted at Zhang Hongzhi, and said, "Passing by."

Zhong Lian was ashamed, pushed back a few meetings, and came all the way, also called passing by?
Boss, is it that difficult for you to tell the truth in front of your wife?
(End of this chapter)

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