After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 20 The supporter is here

Chapter 20 The supporter is here

"Hey, I'm passing by, then I'll arrange for someone to take Mr. Qin to rest."

After finishing speaking, he called Zhang Xiaoxiao: "Xiaoxiao, hurry up, take President Qin to find a comfortable place to rest."

Such an excellent opportunity to get close to the big boss, how could Zhang Hongzhi not give it to his daughter.

Qin Zexi is the boss of TWO-X, and Zhang Xiaoxiao met him once because of Zhang Hongzhi.

It was just less than 1 minute, but it made Zhang Xiaoxiao's spring heart sprout.

So as soon as Qin Zexi came in, Zhang Xiaoxiao's eyes were filled with love.

Hearing Zhang Hongzhi's words, she blushed even more excitedly, looked at Qin Zexi shyly, Zhang Xiaoxiao walked in front of him coyly, and pretended to be soft, "Mr. Qin, I..."

"You step back a little."

It's just that before he finished speaking, he was suddenly interrupted.

Qin Zexi put his hands in his pockets, stood straight on the spot, his expression was calm, but his tone was cold, and he looked at Zhang Xiaoxiao with undisguised disgust.

Dare to dictate to his woman, treating him as a display?
"Boss Qin?" Although Zhang Xiaoxiao was full of doubts, she still had to take two steps back obediently.

Qin Zexi ignored her, but looked at Zhang Hongzhi, with a pair of beautiful eyes, as deep and cold as the deep sea in the cold night: "You have been fired."

Su Zhaoxue looked at Qin Zexi suspiciously. Did he just pass by the crew to do this?

Zhang Hongzhi was even more confused, and quickly smiled: "Boss Qin, you must be joking."

Qin Zexi looked at him coldly: "Let your assistant take over your position, Zhong Lian, remember to post an appointment letter on the company's intranet when you go back."


Except for Zhong Lian, everyone in the room was in a daze.

"Boss Qin, why is that?" Zhang Hongzhi felt like crying now, the company was gone, and he couldn't even keep the position of general manager. He asked himself that he didn't offend the big boss.

"Because you upset me."

The woman who wants to block him, I will lend you five hundred guts.

"President Qin, President Qin." Zhang Hongzhi could only kneel down to Qin Zexi: "Please give me a chance, what makes you unhappy, please express it clearly, and I promise to change it next time."

"Are you sure you want to change?" Qin Zexi suddenly let go.

Zhang Hongzhi thought he still had a chance, so he nodded quickly: "Yes, I will change it, I will definitely change it, you make it clear."

"Okay, take your daughter and apologize to her." Qin Zexi pointed with a long slender finger, and at the end of the direction was the bewildered Su Zhaoxue.

Suddenly being pointed at by Qin Zexi like this, Su Zhaoxue bit her lip.

Looking at Qin Zexi's posture, he should have stood outside for a while, as if he wanted to stand up for her?
But why, no reason?

"Sister Xue, do you know "Prince Qin"?" Yu Guo suddenly muttered next to him.

"Prince Qin?"

"He is the Prince Charming that all women want to marry."

Su Zhaoxue looked at Qin Zexi who was so cold that even the breath in the room was chilled because of him, and couldn't help muttering: "It's not too bad to call him a cold-blooded prince. Look at him, he's cold, like that Antarctic. Who married him?" , you must not be frozen into ice cubes by him."

"So handsome, why is he rich, and has such a good temperament, even if he is frozen into ice, it is still a beautiful thing."

Unexpectedly, Yu Guo suddenly became a nympho.

(End of this chapter)

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