After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 201 Wang Xuaner's Accident

Chapter 201 Wang Xuaner's Accident


Before Su Zhaoxue could react, she saw that Su Zhen had already walked over quickly.

The weather is not particularly cold now, but Su Zhen is wearing a large casual coat, her hands are tucked inside the coat, and her wrists are bulging as if there is something.

"Su Zhaoxue." Su Zhen suddenly stopped three steps in front of her, and then called her fiercely.

All Su Zhaoxue's attention was on Su Zhen's attire before, but now she called out, and then she suddenly looked up at her.


Is this still the Su Zhen who has always been exquisite and beautiful?

Long, big waves were scattered over the shoulders, and there were a few strands of bangs attached to the forehead. Without makeup, the whole person looked very pale and weak. Under the big eyes, there were blue eye circles, and the lips were dry and bloodless.

I haven't seen each other for a few days, Su Zhen is a little scary thin, with a sunken cheek, the whole person looks a bit like...
"Damn it."

Wang Xuan'er suddenly screamed beside her.

Su Zhaoxue was taken aback, and held her tightly: "Don't be nervous, don't be nervous."

This is still pregnant, and the child will be scared away later.

"Hey, little sister, how can I be so indifferent." Wang Xuan'er suddenly laughed, but she didn't look scared at all.

"It's just that she really looks like a ghost, exactly the same as those floating in mid-air."

What Wang Xuan'er said was serious, and she was still imitating it.

It really looks like a ghost floating in mid-air!
Su Zhaoxue couldn't help being amused, and laughed twice.

This smile completely irritated Su Zhen who was standing aside: "Su Zhaoxue."

"Why? My ears are fine. I'm screaming so loudly. Do you want to attract everyone?"

Su Zhaoxue frowned in displeasure, and finally turned her head to meet Su Zhen's gaze.

"Hmph, don't scare me with such words, I have nothing now, do you think I will be afraid?" Su Zhen stared at Su Zhaoxue, as if she wanted to eat her alive.

Su Zhaoxue couldn't help being startled, she always felt that the way Su Zhen looked at her was different from before.

Su Zhen hated her very much, Su Zhaoxue knew this, but when she looked at her before, Su Zhen's eyes did not have such hatred, let alone such a vicious aura.

Today, it seems that there is a feeling of swearing.

"Then what do you want from me?"

Su Zhen will not come to her for no reason!
Su Zhen sneered: "What's the matter, what do you think I can do to you? Because you and I don't even have a home, my mother doesn't want me, and my dad wants to drive me away. What do you think I can do to you?" ?”

"Su Zhaoxue is all because of you, all because of you, do you know, do you know, I became what I am now because of you."

"I am the upright young miss of the Su family, do you think you can snatch it away?"

"Let me tell you Su Zhaoxue, even if you are Lin Qingya's biological daughter, so what, you can compare to me, I have lived with Lin Qingya for more than [-] years, and I called her mother for more than [-] years, you Do you think the relationship between us can be destroyed casually by you?"

The more Su Zhen spoke, the more excited she became, and the faster she spoke, as if she had been greatly stimulated, as if she was going crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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