After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 202 Wang Xuaner's Accident

Chapter 202 Wang Xuaner's Accident

Su Zhaoxue frowned, and pulled Wang Xuan'er back a step.

Looking at Su Zhen vigilantly: "So, you came to me just to talk about this?"

"But have you ever thought about it, Su Zhen, in fact, the reason why you are in this situation is entirely caused by you, you are called self-inflicted, understand?"

Su Zhen said a lot excitedly, but she didn't expect Su Zhaoxue to have such a reaction.

Dazed for a moment, this is the one who squeezed his hands fiercely and gritted his teeth: "I've done it myself, huh, Su Zhaoxue, since I was a child, I can't compare to anything, I can't compare to you in studies, I can't compare to you in appearance You look good, even your height doesn't have an advantage over you, the only thing I can hold you down is your identity."

"I have been holding on to my identity tightly, telling myself, even if you are better than me, so what, I am the eldest lady announced by the Su family, and you, Su Zhaoxue, can only be an illegitimate child of the Su family forever. female."

"But I never expected that one day, God would play such a big joke on me. Even the identity I have always been proud of is yours."

"Even Qin Zexi, my fiancé, actually told me that he likes you, that he can't marry me, and that he can't be with me."

"I hate you, I hate Mei Hong, I hate all of you."

"Haha, but I hate you the most, it's you Su Zhaoxue."

"So I want to drive you out, I want you to leave Su's house forever."

"I asked Mei Hong to help me. Do you know that Mei Hong didn't agree to me at first, and even said that if she did this, you will have no way to be a good person in the future."

"Heh, you said that a rotten person like Mei Hong actually has someone who is worried, and that person is you."

"Do you know that the more everyone loves you, the more I hate you, Su Zhaoxue."

"So I told Mei Hong, as long as she is willing to help me this time, I will recognize her as my mother."

"Haha, so she helped me, put something in your wine, and used your phone to send a message to Qin Zexi, Qin Zexi, doesn't he like you, I knew he couldn't help it, haha, sure enough Exactly what I expected."

"I brought Lin Qingya here on purpose, and I really saw the scene where you two dogs and men are together."

"Lin Qingya hates you so much, so naturally she can't tolerate you, she wants to drive you away, Su Cheng, a soft banana, naturally dare not fart."

"But there's an old man up there, and he doesn't agree to drive you away, so I have no choice but to pretend to be very sad, and even want to commit suicide when I'm sad."

"Su Cheng can't bear the pressure, this will drive you out."

When Su Zhen said this, she suddenly stopped, and then looked at Su Zhaoxue mysteriously: "Do you know why the old man died?"


Su Zhaoxue was startled, looked at Su Zhen's distorted and almost deformed face, and opened her mouth with difficulty: "Because of what? Didn't Grandpa pass away because of my grief?"

"Hahaha, Su Zhaoxue, hahaha." Su Zhen suddenly laughed wildly.

"Grandpa died because of you, but the real reason for his death was because I told him that you were Su Cheng and Lin Qingya's biological daughter, and that I was Mei Hong's birth. He couldn't bear the blow, and directly Out of breath, paralyzed."

(End of this chapter)

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