After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 203 Wang Xuaner's Accident

Chapter 203 Wang Xuaner's Accident

Speaking of this, Su Zhen suddenly burst into laughter: "I'm paralyzed, so what if he knows, he can't speak anymore. To make him more relaxed, I pulled out his oxygen cylinder .”

"Why did you.why.."

Su Zhaoxue never expected that her grandfather died because of this reason.

She was so shocked, so angry!

Clenched palms tightly, trembling all over!
When grandpa passed away, it must have been so painful. Su Zhen could say it so lightly, and seemed to have done a very great thing.

Su Zhen stopped laughing, and looked at her coldly: "Why? Huh, Su Zhaoxue has to ask you, what kind of ecstasy drug did you give the old man? After driving you out, how could it be so easy for him to bring you back."

"But he is your grandfather, he is so kind to you, what did you do?" Su Zhaoxue clenched her fists tightly, feeling the blood in her body was boiling.

Grandpa, that's their grandpa!
She couldn't figure out why Su Zhen would be so cold-blooded that even grandpa would not let her go in order to drive her away.

She was so angry that she had the urge to step forward and beat Su Zhen severely.

Su Zhen didn't seem to care at all, and said lightly: "It's yours, not mine. The old man has treated you better than me since he was a child."

"Su Zhen, you are hopeless, I'm going to tell Su Cheng and Lin Qingya, people like you shouldn't live in this world.

Su Zhaoxue stared at Su Zhen with hatred. For the first time, she felt the extreme hatred that wanted to cut a person into pieces.

But she knew that even if she went up to fight with Su Zhen now, or slapped her severely, it would not solve any problems.

The only way for Su Zhen to be punished is to tell Su Cheng and Lin Qingya what she did, and then let them report the case and arrest Su Zhen.

Killing pays for life, grandpa was killed by her, she should be punished like this, and spend the rest of her life to repent!
"Hehe, Su Zhaoxue, what do you think is scary about me now?" Su Zhen laughed indifferently.

"I have nothing now and I wasn't prepared to live."

"However, I will not let you have a good time. I will drag you to hell with me. All my disasters are because of you. You made me like this. How could I let you live well. "

Su Zhen seemed to have gone crazy, and suddenly raised her arms and rushed towards Su Zhaoxue.

"Miss, be careful.

Wang Xuan'er stood aside and quickly pushed her.

Su Zhaoxue staggered two steps back, only then did she see that Su Zhen's bulging sleeve was holding a fruit knife!


Bringing a knife to the hospital, is this going to let her enter the hospital three times?
Su Zhen's face was ferocious, her eyes widened, and she rushed towards Su Zhaoxue quickly.

Su Zhaoxue quickly hid from you on the defensive, but she was a step too late, Su Zhen stretched out a hand, and had already grabbed her clothes, and the grip was so tight that Su Zhaoxue couldn't pull it off even if she wanted to.

"Su Zhaoxue, go to hell." Su Zhen lowered her arm, and saw that the fruit knife had stabbed towards her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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