After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 213 Give You Two Choices

Chapter 213 Give You Two Choices
Mr. Gu was sitting on a large chair behind his desk, and Song was still standing next to Mr. Gu.

Zhong Lian was standing obliquely in front of the desk, and when he saw Qin Zexi go in, he hurried over as if he saw a savior.

While walking, he still kept his eyes open and said in a low voice: "Boss, you have come back. If you don't come back again, I will be eaten by the old man."

Qin Zexi glanced at him indifferently, ignored him, but turned to look at Mr. Gu: "Grandpa, why are you here suddenly?"

Mr. Gu glared at him with frowning eyebrows: "Where have you been?"

"I went out for a while." Qin Zexi looked calm.

Mr. Gu seemed to want to get to the bottom of it: "Where?"

"East of the city."

"You." Old Master Gu glared at him.

Qin Zexi's appearance of knowing how to answer, but deliberately not answering well, really deserves a beating.

At this time, Song still said beside him: "Grandpa, why are you so tight with him? His feet are on his body. He is free to go wherever he wants. What does it matter if he goes to find Su Zhaoxue?" , don’t be angry, it’s not worth it if you get angry.”

While speaking, he even patted Old Master Gu on the back lightly to calm him down.

On the surface, Song Yiran's words seemed to be comforting Mr. Gu, but in fact, they quietly made Mr. Gu even more angry, and would even favor her more.

Sure enough, old man Gu's nostrils were filled with smoke, but he still held Song Yiran's other hand that was placed on the table: "Yan Yiran, grandpa knows that you have been wronged, don't worry, grandpa will make the decision for you. "

"Grandpa, what are you talking about? I don't have any grievances to bear. I mean, don't be angry, just don't get angry." Song Yiran deliberately said as if he felt sorry for Mr. Gu, but The eyes that looked at Mr. Gu seemed to be filled with grievances.

She purposely showed it to Mr. Gu, so Qin Zexi and Zhong Lian couldn't see it.

It's just that Qin Zexi is not a fool, and he has the ability to distinguish. Song Yiran's words did not seem to say anything about him on the surface, but in the dark, he clearly meant to criticize him.

He frowned, and his tone was rather uncomfortable, but there was still a half-smile on his face: "Grandpa, it seems that this has nothing to do with whether Song Yiran is wronged or not, right? What is the relationship between me and her? That's all, where do I go, or whether I can find Su Zhaoxue, what does it matter to her? She is of the same generation as me, so she can still control me? This is too meddling, right? "

Qin Zexi's words clearly stated his position, and also gave Song Yiran a warning, telling her not to provoke Mr. Gu's ears if she had nothing to do.

Most of the time, just because he doesn't say it doesn't mean he doesn't know.

As for Mr. Gu's request for him to marry Song Yiran, if Song Yiran had a very clear attitude from the beginning, the matter would not have come to this point.

Although Mr. Gu is strong, he doesn't have to have two people who don't want to be together.

Qin Zexi had stated from the beginning that he would not marry Song Yiran.

But Mr. Gu's original purpose was to appease Gu Ping.

He is old, and it is hard to guarantee that he will leave that day.

Qin Zexi is the only blood of their Gu family!
(End of this chapter)

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