After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 214 Give You Two Choices

Chapter 214 Give You Two Choices
He had to make sure that the Gu family's property fell into the hands of the Gu family's blood without incident.

So it is the best way for Song Yiran to marry Qin Zexi.

But if it was Song still not willing, Gu Ping would have nothing to do with her.

But he didn't know what was wrong with Song still, so he suddenly changed his attitude.

Qin Zexi really wanted to find an opportunity to have a good talk with her, but Song still avoided him deliberately, and he couldn't find an opportunity even if he wanted to.

Song is still such a smart person, he naturally knew that Qin Zexi also meant to tell her what he said.

Hmph, mind your own business!

What this said, if she obediently went back and married her, she really didn't want to care about his crap.

If he got married, he would have no problem being with several Su Zhaoxues.

As long as she can hold the Gu family's property firmly in her hands, that's the truth.

She doesn't care about men who don't like her!
Although he was so angry that he was about to die, he still had to smile on his face: "My good brother, you think I'm willing to take care of your mess, don't I feel sorry for Grandpa? I really don't care where you go, but you I went to find Su Zhaoxue. Grandpa is very angry. I don’t want him to be angry with you after a long time. If you say you are the same, I can’t bear it for a few days.”

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and looked at Mr. Gu, as if he was very helpless: "Okay, Grandpa, you also saw that he is not allowed to eat, let's leave him alone, okay, let him do whatever he wants. "

While Song Yiran was talking, Chu Yu made coffee and brought it in.

Qin Zexi motioned for her to put it on the desk.

When Song Yiran finished his sentence, he glanced at the coffee on the table, and then followed her words: "I don't want to marry you, I'm willing to do everything else."

"You boy."

Qin Zexi's words were intended to provoke the old man!

Sure enough, Mr. Gu went on the road.

Picking up the cup of freshly brewed coffee on the table, he threw it towards Qin Zexi. Qin Zexi stood a little far away, so he was fine.

But Chu Yu, who was standing at the desk and hadn't had time to leave, was not so lucky.

A cup of hot coffee was spilled directly on her arm, and Song Yiran was also implicated, and Mr. Gu's hand was also scalded by the spilled coffee.

For a while, there was chaos in the office, and the matter of whether Qin Zexi left to find Su Zhaoxue or not, naturally it was left alone.

As for Chu Yu, although she was not seriously burned because of the burn, Qin Zexi still gave her a large amount of compensation, and then fired her under the pretext of letting her recuperate at home.

After all, it is not a happy thing to be watched by someone who looks like a monitor all the time.

Song Yiran was just implicated, so nothing happened.

But Mr. Gu's hands were a little serious, with many blisters from the scald.

Qin Zexi was very distressed. Originally, he only expected to find a chance to get Chu Yu out of the company, but Mr. Gu, who didn't want to hurt him, was also injured.

The old man stayed at home for a few days, and the doctor came every day to change his dressing, give him injections and take medicine, but the wound healed very quickly.

When Qin Zexi was about to go out that day, Mr. Gu suddenly stopped him.

"Zexi, grandpa has thought a lot about being injured these days, and now grandpa gives you two choices."

(End of this chapter)

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