After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 226 Mei Hong Woke Up

Chapter 226 Mei Hong Woke Up
"I know that there are some sins that I may not be able to redeem in my life, but there are some things that I must say before I die."

"Xiaozhen is my biological daughter. My wife and I gave birth in the same hospital. I gave birth to Xiaozhen the day before, and you gave birth to Zhaoxue the day after. You were born a few days prematurely. So after Zhaoxue was born, she went into the incubator. I accidentally saw Mr. outside the premature baby room, and then I saw the incubator with your name on it, so I realized that your wife was also born."

"So I found a chance to sneak in with Xiaozhen in my arms and replaced Zhaoxue. Zhaoxue was really small at that time. In order not to be discovered by others, I was discharged from the hospital on the day I hugged her. formalities, and then went home."

"I'm scared at home every day, for fear that you will find something wrong and come to my door. And I didn't have any milk to drink at that time. Zhaoxue followed me and cried every day when I was hungry. She cried every day and cried every day. I was upset. In addition, there is no one to take care of her during confinement, and there is no one who washes diapers and clothes. I have no choice but to take care of her, so I took her to your house after confinement, and then lied about Zhaoxue It's my child."

"But my husband doesn't recognize Zhaoxue, he doesn't want Zhaoxue, he only gave me a sum of money."

"I liked to gamble at that time. To me, that large sum of money was like a pie in the sky. I was very happy to leave with Zhaoxue in my arms."

"Thinking about me at that time, I really deserve to be damned. I used that sum of money to hire Zhaoxue a nanny to take care of her, and then I was addicted to gambling all day long."

"Gambling, ten bets and nine loses. When Zhaoxue was two years old, I not only lost all my money, but also owed a large amount of foreign debts. The debtors forced me to ask for money every day. I was forced to have nowhere to go. , so I had no choice but to bring Zhaoxue to find you again."

"We don't have the heart to listen to what you say. Now that the identities of Zhaoxue and Xiaozhen are clear, you just need to tell us whether Xiaozhen did the old man's death?"

Su Cheng suddenly interrupted Mei Hong's rambling impatiently.

He was very angry, his complexion darkened a bit.

He stared straight at Mei Hong with sharp eyes!

Mei Hong paused for a moment, then nodded in response: "Yes. Not only the old man, but also what happened to Zhaoxue back then was also her."


A loud bang!
When no one was paying attention, Su Cheng slapped Su Zhen on the face.

Su Zhen was stunned by the beating, covering her face and looking at Su Cheng with disbelief!

"What are you doing?" Lin Qingya roared at Su Cheng, protecting Su Zhen by her side.

"What am I doing, didn't you hear, the old man was killed by your precious daughter, and you still want to protect her?" Su Cheng's face was livid, his eyes were ashen like a tiger ready to get angry at any time.

Lin Qingya was wronged and didn't speak, but she still protected Su Zhen.

Su Zhaoxue was furious: "Su Zhen, I don't have to argue with you about other matters, but I must seek justice for him regarding this matter of grandpa."

Su Zhen covered her face with tears in her eyes: "What else do you want? Isn't what I have done to you miserable enough now? Do you still want to seek justice?"

"Zhao Xue, Xiao Zhen is her elder sister." Lin Qingya also spoke for Su Zhen.

(End of this chapter)

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