After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 227 Miss, why are you still in the hospital?

Chapter 227 Miss, why are you still in the hospital?
Su Zhaoxue snorted coldly: "Sister? I don't want a sister who is so cruel and ruthless. She forced grandpa to death, forced my sister away, and pushed her biological mother down the stairs."

After Su Zhaoxue's words fell silent, the door of the ward was suddenly pushed open again, and Wang Xuan'er dragged Han Jianfeng in suddenly.

As soon as she came in and saw Mei Hong, Wang Xuan'er immediately breathed a sigh of relief: "Look, I didn't lie to you, I just said that she must be here."

Han Jianfeng frowned and looked at Ou Ruting: "She just woke up, so she shouldn't come out and walk around, don't you understand this bit of common sense?"

Ou Ruting looked a little embarrassed, like a child who has made a mistake!

Mei Hong took the initiative to explain for her: "Sorry, Doctor Han, I begged Nurse Ou to bring me here."

Han Jianfeng ignored Mei Hong, but said coldly, "Hurry up and push her away."

However, Wang Xuan'er suddenly spoke at this time, with her delicate voice: "Wait a minute, Aunt Mei, I have something to ask you. You just woke up yesterday, and my husband didn't even have time to notify Qin Zexi. How did you find me?" Here? And it’s such a coincidence, who is here with Miss Sister?”

Wang Xuan'er pointed at Su Zhen, as if she didn't know her name, but she had seen her in Su Zhaoxue's live broadcast last time. With the little fox's intuition, Wang Xuan'er didn't like Su Zhen very much, so she didn't bother to call her by her name.

After finishing speaking, he looked at Su Zhaoxue: "Miss, don't you know, Qin Zexi and the others are on their flight back to the capital today, didn't Mr. Gu agree to take you with him? They should be on their way to pick you up at this time. Why are you in the hospital?"

Qin Zexi was going back to the capital only after Wang Xuan'er overheard Ou Ruting's call yesterday.

It's just that when she listened to the corner, she didn't hear everything. She only knew that Qin Zexi was going to the capital with Su Zhaoxue this time, and then she heard the name of the hospital and a ward number in Ou Ruting's mouth.

Mei Hong and Ou Ruting disappeared together this morning, she subconsciously thought of the hospital name and ward number in Ou Ruting's mouth.

Fortunately, she is a clever fox, she can still rely on her brain without spiritual power.

I just didn't expect Su Zhaoxue to be here too!

Mei Hong seemed to be stunned for a moment, and then she looked at Wang Xuan'er in surprise: "Nurse Ou told me."

Su Zhaoxue seemed to understand in an instant, she looked at Ou Ruting: "Do you know Song Yiran? Song Yiran asked you to deliberately push Mei Hong over?"

Ou Ruting didn't expect that Su Zhaoxue would be able to guess it straight away, she dodged her flustered eyes a few times, and then said with a smile: "Miss Su Zhaoxue, I know Song Yiran, but I pushed Aunt Mei over, and with Song Does it still matter? The reason why I pushed Aunt Mei to come was because I accidentally saw Miss Su Zhen when I came to the hospital to get her medicine yesterday. I know the relationship between Aunt Mei and your Su family, so I just said it casually. Just said something in front of her."

"It's just that Aunt Mei insisted on coming to see Miss Su Zhen. I thought she had just woken up and had no one to rely on. She must really miss her relatives, so I pushed her here."

"I know that according to medical work, my action is wrong, but I am also a person and I have feelings."

Ou Ruting's excuses are really good, there is no flaw in every word!
(End of this chapter)

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