Chapter 228

Su Zhaoxue knew that if she kept entangled with her at this time, there would definitely be no result!

As for Su Zhen, why did she have to be brought to the hospital early in the morning? The purpose is obvious!

Leaving aside whether they were instigated by Song Yiran, didn't they just want Qin Zexi to take her away?
Thinking of this, Su Zhaoxue had already called Qin Zexi.

Qin Zexi was on his way to Su Zhaoxue's community. In the nanny's car, Mr. Gu and Song Yiran were both there.

Yesterday Song Yiran went to find Su Zhaoxue, and when he came back, he raised his eyebrows at the old man's side, saying that Su Zhaoxue didn't seem to be very willing.

Qin Zexi didn't really believe Song Yiran's words, but Mr. Gu didn't allow him to contact Su Zhaoxue, so he didn't call.

But at night, he still sent her a message, just telling her not to be afraid, he was there for everything.

As long as he is here, no one can bully her!
Although he was full of confidence that Su Zhaoxue would go to the capital with him, but for some reason today, it felt like something was wrong.

"Hey, Qin Zexi, lend me your phone." Song Yiran glanced at his phone calmly, deleted the text message that just came in on the phone, and then bent over, took it away and put it away. The phone next to it.

"Give it to me." Qin Zexi said with a sullen face and a cold attitude.

"Grandpa, I just borrowed his phone to check something, so stingy, look at him." Song Yiran directly hid in the last row, behind Mr. Gu, and complained aggrievedly.

Don't forget to press the phone that just came in!
Mr. Gu patted Song Yiran behind him with a smile, and then turned to Qin Zexi with a stern face: "You kid is getting worse and worse. What's wrong with taking your phone? If you give it to her, you are not allowed to resist."

Qin Zexi gave Song Yiran a serious look, but did not speak.

When the fifth call was hung up, Su Zhaoxue finally put away the phone.

Glancing at Han Jianfeng: "Doctor Han, give me a shot."

She wanted to see if Qin Zexi only hung up on her or everyone else.

Han Jianfeng understood what she meant, and he didn't refuse. Instead, he unlocked the phone blankly and handed it over.

Song Yiran came over yesterday and told her that it was tomorrow's flight, but Wang Xuan'er just said it was today.

She believed that Wang Xuan'er would not say such things for no reason, so she believed in Wang Xuan'er.

He answered the phone and said thank you, but the outgoing call was still hung up.

Su Zhaoxue frowned tightly, her beautiful eyes were full of doubts.

Qin Zexi even hung up on Han Jianfeng's phone?
Something strange!

At this time, Wang Xuan'er suddenly handed over her phone, blinked her eyes, and said softly, "Miss sister, why don't you use mine?"

Su Zhaoxue smiled before saying anything, when Han Jianfeng suddenly pulled Wang Xuan'er's arm back: "You don't know Qin Zexi, what are you doing with yours?"

"Wow, hubby, don't you want me to contact other men?" Unexpectedly, one of Han Jianfeng's actions suddenly made Wang Xuan'er seem to have discovered a new world.

Han Jianfeng gave her a disgusted look, ignored her, and turned to Ou Ruting: "Ru Ting, give her the phone."

(End of this chapter)

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