After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 231 Su Zhen Runs Away

Chapter 231 Su Zhen Runs Away
What Su Zhen wanted to snatch was also the phone in her hand. Su Zhaoxue only had one hand to use force, so it could withstand the pincer attack of the two of them.

In addition, Su Zhen kept stomping on her, Su Zhaoxue was extremely annoyed, she raised her foot and was about to give her a kick, but someone tripped her and fell to the side without any support .

"What are you doing?
Qin Zexi pushed open the door, saw this scene, roared in a deep voice, and quickly stepped forward to support Su Zhaoxue.

A familiar voice rang in his ears, Su Zhaoxue almost cried, lying in his arms and took a deep breath, this is the nasal voice: "How did you come so fast."

I thought he couldn't come, isn't Mr. Gu beside him?

"Fool, how can I take you away if I don't come? Why are you so stupid, why don't you call me if you have something to do?" Hugging Su Zhaoxue tightly, his heart is full of her unique fragrance, his originally restless heart Heart, this is the steady fall.

"Didn't Ms. Song say, Mr. Gu doesn't like me? Tell me not to call you, so as not to make Mr. Gu angry, so she won't take me away with you. She said that I called you just now, but you didn't answer Ah, you hung up on me all."

The more Su Zhaoxue said, the more aggrieved she became, and her nasal voice became more and more serious, but with Qin Zexi by her side, she felt at ease, at most she was acting like a baby, and in the end she didn't let the "golden beans" fall out of her eyes.

"Okay, I'm here, I'm here to take you out of here."

Qin Zexi's voice was so soft that water dripped out. Su Zhaoxue leaned into his arms and nodded silently, her heart warmed.

"But I still have one thing to deal with now." As he spoke, he raised his head and looked at Su Zhen.

"Well, good." Qin Zexi didn't ask what it was, but still kept her by his side.

"Zexi, why are you here? Sit down and talk if you have something to say." At this moment, Su Cheng, who had been silent at the side, suddenly walked over with a smile.

Su Zhaoxue looked at his face and felt it was funny. When they were arguing here just now, he was like a transparent person. Now that Qin Zexi is here, he can talk.

Sometimes I really feel that Su Cheng is more hateful than Lin Qingya.

Even if Su Zhen deserved death, no matter what, Lin Qingya, as a mother, loved her child.

But for Su Cheng, maybe for him, as long as it is beneficial to him, it doesn't matter who is his daughter.

"Dad, what are you going to do with Su Zhen?" Su Zhaoxue suddenly wanted to hear Su Cheng's answer.

Su Cheng was stunned for a moment, a little surprised that Su Zhaoxue would actually ask him, his face darkened, he just glanced at Qin Zexi next to him, and soon laughed again: "Didn't you already have the answer, why are you asking me?" ?”

"Don't you want to say something? After all, Su Zhen is also your daughter?"

"What can I say, she has done so many shameless things, I don't want to see her for a second now." When Su Cheng spoke, he looked disgusted, as if Su Zhen was not his daughter.

Su Cheng's answer was actually within Su Zhaoxue's expectations. Su Zhaoxue should have been happy, but the moment she heard these words, she felt chills.

Lin Qingya was so angry that she yelled from the side: "Su Cheng, is there anyone like you as a father?"

(End of this chapter)

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