After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 232 Su Zhen Runs Away

Chapter 232 Su Zhen Runs Away
Su Cheng was so frightened that his whole body trembled, his lips trembled twice, and finally he shrank his head in like an ostrich, not daring to say a word.

It's just how could Lin Qingya let him go so easily, and grabbed his clothes as soon as she came forward: "Su Cheng, I never thought you would be such an irresponsible person. Xiao Zhen was beaten to death Like this, have you ever come to see her? If Xiaozhen hadn’t clamored to call Zhaoxue to confront her today, you would have come here reluctantly. Do you think I don’t understand your thoughts? Don’t you just think that Zhaoxue is younger now? Zhen is more useful, you don't want to offend her, you want to curry favor with Qin Zexi."

"Okay, I don't care about these things with you. I will treat you as the one who loves Zhaoxue. Zhaoxue is also my daughter, and I love her too. But Xiao Zhen is also your daughter. Why don't you love her? Why don't you love her for a second?" I don't want to see her, is this what you, a father, should say?"

"Aren't I angry with this girl? She has made so many mistakes, if you don't teach her a lesson, she will make it back in the future?" Su Cheng wanted to pull back his clothes, but he was still trying to defend himself.

Lin Qingya didn't give him a chance: "My daughter made a mistake and I will educate her, but you shouldn't let Zhaoxue call the police, you should tell Zhaoxue not to call the police, I will take Xiaozhen back to educate her of."

Su Zhaoxue felt as if she was making a deal with two children, and finally couldn't listen anymore, and said firmly: "It's useless, don't tell me, Su Zhen is an adult, she did these things back then She will also be an adult by the time she does something wrong, and she should be punished for doing something wrong, and what you say is useless."

After finishing speaking, he quickly lowered his head and held the phone.

It's just that before the phone book was found, the phone in his hand was suddenly slapped to the ground by Lin Qingya's slap.

"What are you doing?" Qin Zexi quickly covered Su Zhaoxue, with anger in his tone.

Lin Qingya didn't have the heart to talk to him, but quickly yelled towards the door: "Xiao Zhen, hurry up, run away, don't let them catch you."

Afterwards, the sound of the door opening was heard, and before everyone could react, Su Zhen had already run out.

Lin Qingya wanted to stop Su Zhaoxue: "Zhaoxue, just let Xiao Zhen go, she is already miserable, I promise she will reform herself in the future."

Qin Zexi pushed her away, his eyes seemed to be on fire: "Then have you ever thought that Zhaoxue is your daughter? Do you know that if you let Su Zhen go now, she will most likely come to Zhaoxue in the future For revenge, if there is any problem with Zhaoxue, I will only ask you."

After speaking, she dragged Su Zhaoxue out of the ward, and Su Zhen had long since disappeared.

At this time, Song Yiran's call came, and his attitude was very impatient: "Have you done it yet, the flight time is coming soon."

Qin Zexi pondered for a while, and had no choice but to leave the hospital with Su Zhaoxue, and called Zhong Lian by the way, asking him to send someone here to find Su Zhen.

Inside the nanny's car, the atmosphere was very depressing.

It was the first time Su Zhaoxue saw Mr. Gu, and she was so uncomfortable that she didn't know where to put it. Standing in front of the car door, she called out to him nervously: "Grandpa Gu, hello."

Mr. Gu snorted softly, and he agreed.

It was Qin Zexi who reminded her softly: "Okay, let's go up first."

(End of this chapter)

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