Chapter 233

Su Zhaoxue responded, and then she pulled the car door and went up.

"Hey, sister Zhaoxue, come and sit with me. The seat in front is for Grandpa and Zexi." As soon as he got in the car, Song Yiran called her very intimately from behind.

"Oh, yes."

Although she felt that Song was still hypocritical, but on this special occasion, she responded cooperatively and walked to the back seat.

But he sat down on the other side.

Qin Zexi got into the car, and after sitting in the front row with Mr. Gu, the car started.

Because of the window film, the light inside the car is not very bright, Song Yiran glanced at Su Zhaoxue lightly, and suddenly said, "Sister Zhaoxue, why are you so far away from me, are you afraid of me? "

Song Yiran's words simply did not mean well.

"No, I'm afraid of disturbing you, Miss Song."

"Like this, I thought you were afraid of me. Don't worry, I'm easy to get along with, but I'm just a little more outspoken. If you say something in the future that makes you unhappy, you should be more tolerant. "

Song Yiran's words fell silent, and the old man in front of him hummed softly again.

Su Zhaoxue saw a smug smile on the corner of her mouth!
Song Yiran's words were obviously meant for Mr. Gu. From Mr. Gu's point of view, Song Yiran was the victim in the first place, and she was the vixen who charmed Qin Zexi. If it wasn't for her, Song Yiran and Qin Zexi might have married long ago. , don't use it like this now.

Now that the victim is still being polite to her, a vixen, Mr. Gu can't understand it.

So no matter what Su Zhaoxue said at this time, it might become a topic that Song Yiran provoked.

But if she didn't speak, it might make the old man even more unhappy.

What a Song Yiran, is this a "welcome gift" for her in a dilemma?

Fortunately, Qin Zexi asked at this time: "Zhaoxue, you definitely won't be able to carry your things today, so why don't you ask Yu Guo to pack them up for you and send them to you, or go over there to buy them again at that time? .”

Su Zhaoxue knew that he was trying to solve her problem, so she quickly responded: "I don't have anything, just ask Yu Guo to pack it up for me and send it over."

"That's okay! Didn't you say you were tired just now? You still have injuries on your head. Just lie down for a while. I'll call you when you get to the airport."

"it is good."

No need to think about how to deal with Song Yiran, Su Zhaoxue was naturally willing, and quickly closed her eyes in response.

Just the moment she closed her eyes, she seemed to see the strong jealousy in Song Yiran's eyes.

It took about two hours to travel from city H to the capital. However, from getting off the plane to getting on the car that Gu's family came to pick up the plane, it took another two hours to walk on the road. That's when I saw the Gu family's mansion.

The Gu family's mansion is located in the center of the third ring road in the north of the city. Although it is a central area, because it is a special area, the roads in this area are wide and there are few cars.

I can't see clearly at night, but Su Zhaoxue's only feeling is that this area is really quiet!

The Gu family's mansion is an independent courtyard villa. The car entered the courtyard and walked for two or three minutes before stopping.

As soon as the car stopped, there was already a row of people standing at the door, and then someone came and opened the car door!
(End of this chapter)

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