Chapter 234

"Dad." The person who opened the door was a woman who looked about forty years old. The woman had a round face, her hair was combed back meticulously, and she was wearing a very capable business attire.

Hearing her call Old Master Gu Dad, Su Zhaoxue probably knew that this person should be Gu Ping, the adopted daughter of the Gu family.

"Mmm." Old Master Gu responded, followed her hand to get out of the car.

"Hello, master!" The servants standing at the door of the villa said in unison.

Then Qin Zexi got out of the car and called Gu Ping, "Auntie."

Gu Ping probably hasn't seen Qin Zexi for a long time, she seemed very happy to see him, and walked over to pat him on the shoulder: "You boy, you are finally willing to come back, dinner is ready, are you hungry? Come on, let's go in."

That tone of voice was exactly the same as Mr. Gu's!
"Hello, young master!" Immediately afterwards, the servants said in a neat voice.

"Mom, don't you even ask me?" Song Yiran got out of the car, and saw that Gu Ping was already planning to go in with Qin Zexi on her arm.

Gu Ping paused and turned around, pretending to be angry: "This is your house, don't you know the way, and you still need me to lead it? Do you want to go in and let me feed you?"

"Hey, Mom, I miss you." Song Yiran ran forward, pulling Gu Ping to act coquettishly.

"Okay, people who are about to get married are still like a child." Gu Ping said, looking at Song Yiran with eyes that were very doting.

Su Zhaoxue was the last to come down. When she got down, Gu Ping led Qin Zexi and Song Yiran to the house.

Several servants followed behind them, Su Zhaoxue paused, pinched the corner of her clothes, wondering if she should go forward.

I felt like an outsider who was suddenly forgotten by Qin Zexi, and he and Song Yiran were standing beside Gu Ping, the backs were so harmonious that it made people panic.

"Miss Su." At this moment, Han Bo suddenly appeared in front of her.

Su Zhaoxue was stunned for a moment: "You're back too?"

Han Bo smiled, but didn't answer, but said again: "Come in with me."

"Oh, I'll trouble you then." Su Zhaoxue was still very polite.

The Gu family's villa is quite modern, not like the Su family's, with a classic atmosphere.

Entering is a large living room. On the left side of the living room is an off-white leather sofa. In front of the sofa is a large projection TV, which is playing.

Han Bo took her all the way through the living room, and when he walked back, he heard Song Yiran's voice again: "Oh, mom, what are you doing, Qin Zexi doesn't like me, and he doesn't want to sit with me, you So when his little lover sees it, he will be unhappy again."

"Which little lover?" Gu Ping seemed to be unaware of Su Zhaoxue's existence.

"Master, Eldest Miss, Young Master, Miss Yiran, Miss Su is here." At this time, Bo Han had brought Su Zhaoxue into the restaurant.

Then Su Zhaoxue was like a radar, receiving several different lines of sight!
There is disdain, there is scrutiny, and there is sarcasm
Su Zhaoxue suddenly couldn't stand anymore, she squeezed her palms tightly to make herself look calmer.

"Zhaoxue, come here." Fortunately, at this time, Qin Zexi walked towards her in large strides quickly and put his arms around her, which made her feel a little more stable.

(End of this chapter)

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