After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 236 Don't Leave Me Alone

Chapter 236 Don't Leave Me Alone
"Engagement? Can your previous engagement be counted?" Gu Ping seemed surprised, and turned her head to look at Mr. Gu: "Dad, is this true?"

Mr. Gu was drinking soup, and he paused for a moment when he heard Gu Ping's words, but soon he suddenly threw the spoon in his hand into the bowl, then got up tremblingly with a sullen face, without saying a word He walked out of the restaurant.

Gu Ping kicked Song Yiran under the table, and Song Yiran got up quickly, and hurriedly followed Mr. Gu: "Grandpa."

Su Zhaoxue was a little apprehensive, Mr. Gu's attitude was unclear, whether he was angry with Qin Zexi or Gu Ping.

However, Su Zhaoxue was more inclined to think that Mr. Gu was actually angry with Qin Zexi.

"I'm going to see grandpa too, you guys eat slowly." At this time Gu Ping also got up.

Qin Zexi sat in his seat without moving!
Gu Ping went out from the other side of the dining table, but when she reached the door, she stopped, looked back at them, and then smiled: "Zexi, grandpa is getting old, so we should avoid making him angry in the future. As someone who has been here, I advise you to listen to the adults, after all, we have crossed more bridges than you have eaten, and feelings are often worthless."

After Gu Ping finished speaking, she left the restaurant directly.

Although her words are cryptic, anyone with a little brain can understand what she means!
Isn't it just reminding Qin Zexi, don't take feelings so seriously, any marriage contract is worthless, and listening to Mr. Gu's words, and marrying Song Yiran is the most correct truth.

Gu Ping's words made Su Zhaoxue feel panicked. What is emotion is worthless? Isn't a person without emotion just like a walking dead without a soul? So what's the point of living?
But Su Zhaoxue only dared to feel aggrieved in her heart, after all, she had to be careful when she walked here, let alone speak.

It's just that when she turned her head to look at Qin Zexi, she found that he had lowered his head as if in a daze, and the back of the hand holding the chopsticks had bulging veins and protruding joints. It seemed that he had used a lot of strength. It's as if I want to pinch the pair of chopsticks in my hand.

Su Zhaoxue was startled, and quickly reached out to hold his hand, and said softly, "Qin Zexi? What's wrong with you, are you feeling unwell?"

"I'm fine." Qin Zexi seemed to come back to his senses, turned his head and smiled at her, then put down his chopsticks and held her hand behind his back: "I'm sorry Zhaoxue, I have wronged you."

His voice was a little heavy, full of apology!
Although Su Zhaoxue felt that his apology came out of nowhere!

I still hurriedly opened my mouth and comforted him pretending to be relaxed: "Why are you saying sorry to me? You didn't tie me up to come here. I came here voluntarily. I knew it would not go so smoothly before I came, but for the sake of You, for us, I am willing to give it a try, so don't say such things to me in the future."

He bit his lips and lowered his tone as he spoke, "Well, it's just that you don't leave me alone like you did just now. You'll make me think wildly."

"Well, sometimes, I have no choice but to pretend, and I won't do it in the future."

Qin Zexi raised his other hand and caressed her cheek gently, his deep eyes were full of affection.

(End of this chapter)

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