After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 237 Not as it seems on the surface

Chapter 237 Not as it seems on the surface
Su Zhaoxue was stared at by his passionate eyes, her face turned red all of a sudden, her eyes moved around uncomfortably, this was the buzzing of mosquitoes: "Yeah."

"Zhaoxue." Qin Zexi suddenly called her again in a low voice.

That deep voice was as mellow as a cello, just listening to it, the ears were already numb without any feeling.

Su Zhaoxue was dizzy, looking at his eyes that seemed to be bright like water: "Well, I'm here."

"Can I kiss you?"

"Ah?" Su Zhaoxue only felt her scalp explode, her eyes stared at the handsome man in front of her like copper bells, and for some reason, her brain became hot: "This is a restaurant, can you find a place with fewer people?"

There was Qin Zexi's low laughter beside her ears, and she was already pushed against the corner of the wall.

"Is it hidden enough here?"

Su Zhaoxue's eyes were darkened, and she couldn't see clearly in the dark utility room.
It is indeed hidden!
"Those people outside must have watched us come in?"

And she was brought in by Qin Zexi, well, she seemed a little embarrassed!
Unexpectedly, Qin Zexi said casually: "Well, I just want them to see that Song Yiran will come within 3 minutes."

"Ah, why?" Su Zhaoxue was suddenly a little confused.

I didn't want to kiss her after doing it for a long time, but it made her happy alone like a fool!

"Zhaoxue." Qin Zexi lowered his head against her forehead, and his voice suddenly became much lower: "In the Gu family, the most important thing to watch out for is Song Yiran, Gu Ping, and Grandpa. You are so opposed to us, so during the days of Gu's family, you don't believe anything on the surface, even if it's what I say sometimes, do you understand?"

"Originally, I thought about telling you this after a while after you got used to it, but what you said just now reminded me that if I don't tell you, you don't know anything. Because of some of my actions, sad or cranky, so what I want to tell you is, no matter when, please trust me [-]%. "

"And Han Bo, he has an unusual relationship with Gu Ping, you have to be on guard against him no matter what you do. As for the other servants, you can completely ignore them."

"I don't have much time to explain to you now, but you must firmly remember what I said. I will definitely explain it to you when I have a chance in the future."

"Oh, ok, I remember that."

Although Qin Zexi couldn't be seen, but hearing his tone of voice, Su Zhaoxue could guess that he was very serious when he said these words to her.

He asked her to remember, and she remembered it firmly.

As long as he is willing to make her believe him, then she will believe him.


Qin Zexi was still leaning against her head, but at this moment, his tone suddenly softened again.

Originally, there was still a very serious atmosphere between the two, but suddenly they became ambiguous.

Su Zhaoxue understood what he meant, she blinked her eyes, and before he could say another word, she had already raised her head, and then pressed his lips.

Hmph, she doesn't want Bai Le this time!

Who cares who should take the initiative, anyway, she kissed first and talked!
It's just unfortunate that the door of the utility room was pushed open as soon as I kissed her!
(End of this chapter)

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