Chapter 239

"You don't even know, I went to find Qin Zexi just now, and I really found the two of them in the utility room. They were hugging each other. I almost went up and gave each of them a slap. I was so mad."

Song Yiran's face turned pale with anger, but Gu Ping unexpectedly laughed: "You brought them back, you should know that such a scene will happen, even if you are mad, you should bear it yourself."

As he said that, he suddenly put away his smile, but he was very serious: "But I want to remind you that we are running out of time. If you have a plan to deal with Su Zhaoxue, you should do it long ago, lest Su Zhaoxue suddenly become pregnant Yes, the old man definitely doesn't want to agree, and he will agree for the sake of the child, if it is really the case, then there is really no room for us two to survive in this family."

Song Yiran was disdainful: "So what if she's pregnant, I can still get rid of her. If Su Zhaoxue wants to survive here, it depends on whether she has the ability."

On the first night of staying in Gu's house, Su Zhaoxue didn't sleep soundly. She dreamed of her grandpa for a while, Mei Hong for a while, and Lin Qingya for a while.
These people had been arguing all night in her dream, so that when she woke up in the morning, her mind was in a mess.

On the bedside table in the room, Qin Zexi left a note for her, saying that he had gone out on business, and did not call her when he saw that she was not awake, and told her to go down to have breakfast when she woke up, and then take a look in the villa , he will be back soon.

Holding the note, Su Zhaoxue sat on the bedside for a while, then got up and went into the bathroom.

It doesn't matter, since she wants to be here, she has to adapt, even if she is alone!
After tidying up, when I left the room and went downstairs, I happened to meet Song Yiran in the living room.

"Sister Zhaoxue, you're awake, let's go to have breakfast." Song Yiran came over to hold her intimately as soon as he saw her.

Su Zhaoxue just hesitated for a moment, and was dragged to the restaurant by Song Yiran.

Gu Ping was having breakfast with Mr. Gu in the dining room. When the two came in, Gu Ping looked up at Su Zhaoxue and smiled at the corner of her mouth: "Miss Su, are you awake? Let's have breakfast, and I will take you shopping after breakfast." visit."

"Hmph, I don't even need to check what time it is. It's really embarrassing to wake up now." Mr. Gu hasn't glanced at Su Zhaoxue since she came in, and he's just eating breakfast with his head down, but the tone of his words is really good. Not pleasant.

Su Zhaoxue's brain was suddenly blown awake, and she stood there in embarrassment and took a deep breath, before saying, "Grandpa Gu, I'm sorry, I'll pay attention next time."

"Dad, Miss Su is still a child, why are you being so strict with her?" Gu Ping glanced at Su Zhaoxue with a smile, but pretended to defend her.

However, Mr. Gu was obviously even more angry, and he threw the napkin in his hand on the dining table: "Okay, you guys eat, it's really disgusting."

After speaking, he got up and walked out.

Su Zhaoxue's face turned pale, and she lost her appetite. Mr. Gu was talking about her, right?
Yesterday Qin Zexi told her that Mr. Gu didn't object to them being together as much as he seemed on the surface, but why couldn't she see it at all!
Song Yiran and Gu Ping had achieved their goals, and once Mr. Gu left, they naturally disdain to talk to her.

(End of this chapter)

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