After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 240 Just To Embarrass Her

Chapter 240 Just To Embarrass Her

Even if Su Zhaoxue didn't look at them, she could still feel the unkind, mocking and disdainful eyes.

Su Zhaoxue gritted her teeth and finished her breakfast pretending to be nonchalant, then got up and planned to go upstairs.

"Hey, sister Zhaoxue."

When Su Zhaoxue came out, Gu Ping had already left home to go to the company, and Song Yiran was waiting for her in the living room alone.

Su Zhaoxue knew that there must be nothing good, but she stopped reluctantly: "Is there something wrong, Miss Song?"

Her attitude has already shown enough alienation, she thought that once Song Yiran got angry, he probably wouldn't want to talk to her.

"Sister Zhaoxue, why are you so hostile to me? I'm just waiting for you and taking you out." Unexpectedly, Song still pretended to be innocent.

Su Zhaoxue forced a smile: "I don't want to go out."

"Let's go, didn't you come here without your luggage? Let's go buy some clothes." Song still had the look that if he didn't take Su Zhaoxue out today, he would not give up.

Su Zhaoxue was actually very bored in her heart, but she still had to resist the urge to push Song Yiran away with a palm, and smiled: "My luggage will probably arrive tomorrow..."

"Forget it, since you don't want to go out, then I won't force you."

Song Yiran interrupted her before she finished speaking, and Su Zhaoxue also breathed a sigh of relief.

Unexpectedly, Song Yiran quickly said, "Then I'll go and clarify with Grandpa."

"What are you talking about?" Su Zhaoxue couldn't help but tremble all over when she remembered how angry Mr. Gu was just now, and asked subconsciously.

Song Yiran looked at Su Zhaoxue as if he was very embarrassed: "Grandpa just said that you don't look good, let me take you to buy some clothes, so as not to embarrass the Gu family."


Where does she look out of shape!

But Su Zhaoxue didn't have the guts to ask old man Gu about this, after all, when the old man didn't speak, his majesty still remained.

Su Zhaoxue pondered for a while, although she was still unwilling, she finally agreed.

Song Yiran had a full-time driver, and the two got into the car and went to a shopping mall that Song Yiran reported.

Song Yiran pulled Su Zhaoxue directly into a storefront of women's clothing on the third floor. The salesperson inside clearly knew Song Yiran, and greeted him with a smile as soon as he entered: "Welcome to Ms. Song, today is still the old rules. Clean up the others?"

"No need, I'm not buying today, I'm here with this young lady." Song Yiran waved and smiled, looking carefree, as if he didn't care much.

The salesperson understood Su Zhaoxue quickly, and then smiled: "Hey, this lady looks familiar, I seem to have seen it somewhere."

"Maybe I look more popular." Su Zhaoxue deliberately tried to avoid the salesperson.

When she came out today, she didn't wear a mask, didn't wear sunglasses, and she didn't even put on makeup. She thought that no one would recognize her in the capital. Walk around and no one will recognize you.

I didn't want the salesperson to come up and say that she was very familiar. Although Su Zhaoxue understood that this was a marketing strategy, she was still afraid that people would recognize her.

It's just that Song still held her arm all the time, and she couldn't go away even if she wanted to.

(End of this chapter)

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