After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 249 Is it true?

Chapter 249 Is it true?

This feeling is not good!
Originally, she wanted to use him as a bond between her and Song Yiran in the Gu family, and no matter what, she wanted to promote his marriage with Song Yiran, but now it seems that things are even worse than she imagined.

Then he smiled: "Where does it need to be so troublesome, isn't it still here? Just ask her. Even though she is my daughter, Auntie is the fairest person. If this is really the case, don't worry, Zexi, Auntie I will give you and Miss Su an explanation."

Qin Zexi didn't speak, but turned to look at Su Zhaoxue, and then gave her a piece of fish: "Eat more."

Gu Ping was ignored, and her expression was a little bad. She lowered her head and glanced at Mr. Gu, seeing that he didn't show any signs of speaking. Then she turned her head and looked at Song Yiran, suppressing the anger in her heart: "Yiran, you and Mom are telling the truth. Is everything you said on the phone true?"

"Me." Song still subconsciously wanted to defend himself.

It's just that Gu Ping gave her a wink suddenly, Song Yiran reacted quickly, and walked up to Mr. Gu quickly, and knelt down with a plop: "Grandpa."

Mr. Gu seemed to be startled by Song Yiran's actions. Seeing her in a daze, he quickly put down the chopsticks in his hands, and wiped his mouth with a napkin, and then he reached out tremblingly to support Song Yiran: " Yiran, what are you doing? If you have something to say, grandpa, I’m not dead yet, so why are you kneeling down for me? "

Sure enough, Jiang is still old and hot. Song Yiran, who was about to show weakness and slapstick, had to stand up from the ground in embarrassment.

The old man said all this, if she continued to kneel, wouldn't she curse the old man to death!

"Grandpa." After Song Yiran stood up, he pulled Mr. Gu to act coquettishly: "I still feel wronged, and I want you to judge me."

"What's the problem with this?" Mr. Gu readily agreed.

Song Yiran bit his lip, completely aggrieved by a great injury, and there were even tears in his eyes: "Grandpa, did you say that you want me to marry Qin Zexi?"

"Oh, why are you still crying, Gu Ping, Gu Ping, hurry up, take Yi still to the room, and give me some comfort."

Seeing that Song was still about to cry, Mr. Gu hurriedly called Gu Ping.

Song Yiran's tears hadn't fallen yet, but he was suddenly taken aback by Mr. Gu's attitude!
"Grandpa..." Song still looked at Mr. Gu, a little at a loss.

But Mr. Gu had already got up, and then patted Song Yiran's hand: "Grandpa knows what wronged you, so grandpa will stand up for you."

As he said that, he was already stern, and looked at Qin Zexi sternly: "You boy, come with me."

"Grandpa..." Song was still unwilling.

It's just that Gu Ping had already come over to hold her back, then shook her head at her to stop her.

"Eat up obediently and wait for me in the room. I'll be there soon." Qin Zexi was afraid that he would leave by himself, and Su Zhaoxue felt cramped and would not be able to eat, so he asked the servant to serve Su Zhaoxue a bowl of rice, and took another Some dishes she likes, this is how she got up and left the restaurant with Mr. Gu

"Mom." Song Yiran gritted his teeth angrily, and looked at Su Zhaoxue as if nothing happened, but couldn't help it, and screamed: "Su Zhaoxue, are you still able to eat?"

(End of this chapter)

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