After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 250 Song is still your biological daughter

Chapter 250 Song is still your biological daughter
Su Zhaoxue lowered her head and ate leisurely: "I haven't done anything wrong, why can't I eat?"

"You." Song still stared at her.

"Okay, come with me." Gu Ping didn't want to let the clothes continue to ferment, so she dragged Song Yiran out of the restaurant.

It's just that when he went out, he winked at Han Bo who was standing beside him.

Han Bo understood and turned around and entered the back kitchen.

The old man went to the study room, and Qin Zexi followed behind him. As soon as he entered, he was hit by a book on his back.

Qin Zexi frowned in pain, but didn't say anything, closed the door, and stood aside respectfully.

Old man Gu stood by the bookcase, seeing him like this, felt even more angry, and threw another book towards him.

But this time, Qin Zexi dodged it!
It just so happened that the door was pushed open, and Han Bo walked in with a cup of tea.

The book just fell on his hand!

The tea was overturned, scalding Han Bo's hand.

Fortunately, it was the carpet and the teacup was not broken.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, old man." Han Bo didn't forget to apologize after being burned, and he was going to squat down to clean up the teacup.

Mr. Gu was stunned for a moment, then he hurriedly said: "You don't need to clean up here, hurry up and apply some medicine, I don't want tea, and you don't come in either, go to rest after applying the medicine, and tell others not to come in .”

As soon as he heard the old man's voice, he knew that he must be in a very bad mood right now. Uncle Han didn't dare to say anything, so he closed the door and went out after saying yes.

Just as Gu Ping dragged Song Yiran back to the room, Han Bo knocked on the door and entered.

Gu Ping looked at him and frowned: "Didn't I tell you to go to the study, what are you doing here?"

"I spilled the tea, the old man let me out, and told me not to let anyone go to the study." Han Bo said, still stretching out the burned hand, wanting Gu Ping to see it.

The tea was scalding hot, and the back of Han Bo's hand was hot red, and there was a spot that was very hot, and there were signs of blisters.

"You can't even do something if you're asked to do something. The last time you were asked to find a way to drive Su Zhaoxue away in City H, you didn't do it well. What's the use of you saying I want you?" Gu Ping looked impatiently. Glancing at Han Bo's hand, he quickly glanced away in disgust.

Han Bo withdrew his hand somewhat disappointed, trying to explain something: "I can't go too far with the young master."

"Then look at Yiran, and see if I will be sad in the Gu family in the future? Let me tell you, Yiran is your biological daughter. As a father, you can't provide material help to your daughter, and you can't be like a If you love her like a father, can't you do something for her?"

Han Bo squirmed his lips, the back of his hand hurt like a piece of flesh was cut by a knife, but he still endured it, showing no signs of discomfort, but his voice was full of guilt: "I know, I know it all, I know I'm sorry for you, and I'm sorry for Yi Yi, I'm useless, I'm useless."

"Okay, I'll just say these things are useless, you go out." Gu Ping waved her hand at Han Bo impatiently.

Han Bo paused, looked at Song Yiran, and called her, "Yiran."

Song was still lying on the massage bed beside the bed. He was very comfortable with the massage at first, but the anger that had just been suppressed was angered again because of this address: "What are you doing, is it you who call me my name?"

 Ask for a recommendation ticket (cover your face)


(End of this chapter)

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