After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 251 Find a way to get her to the capital

Chapter 251 Find a way to get her to the capital

Han Bo's eyes flickered, but he didn't say anything in the end, and replied, "Oh, yes, Miss Yiran."

Then turn around and leave the room!

Song Yiran gave him a disgusted look: "I really take myself seriously, and I don't care about my identity."

"Okay, can't you have a better attitude, and I will ask him for help in the future." Gu Ping said from the side.

Song still didn't take it seriously, but was quite dissatisfied: "Mom, why do you use this excuse to lie to him every time? How do you think I look like him? You can make up anyone outside, and they are better than him."

"Better than him, can he help us? He is someone close to the old man. If we don't win him over, how can we know the old man's movements so accurately?"

Song Yiran curled his lips and got up from the massage chair: "Then what should we do next?"

As soon as Gu Ping mentioned this, she became angry and glared at Song Yiran. Then she said: "You asked me, and I still want to ask you. I didn't discuss it with me at first, so I asked Qin Zexi to bring that woman back. , now it’s okay to be tricked.”

"How did I know that Su Zhaoxue was so difficult to deal with." Song Yiran knew that he was wrong, and his tone of voice was much lower.

Looking at her like this, Gu Ping could only feel that she was very weak. She was full of things she wanted to blame, but in the end she couldn't say a word.

"Okay, didn't you tell me before that you knew the woman who was engaged to Qin Zexi before?"

Song Yiran was stunned for a moment: "Su Zhen? What are you asking her for? She can't protect herself now. She was surrounded by Qin Zexi's people in City H. She couldn't leave City H, and she couldn't even go home. Give it back to me a few days ago. Call and ask me to help her, but I ignored her."

Gu Ping pondered for a while: "Find a way to get her to the capital."

When Qin Zexi helped the old man out of the study, it was already late at night, and when he came out, he ran into Gu Ping in the living room.

"Finished?" Gu Ping got up and walked over, and then naturally took Mr. Gu from Qin Zexi.

"Go and rest, grandpa, I'll take care of it."

"The hard-working aunt." Qin Zexi didn't shirk, turned around and went upstairs.

Gu Ping helped Mr. Gu to walk into the room: "Dad, you see that you are the same, why are you angry with young people? You are so old and you don't pay attention to your body."

Mr. Gu seemed to be careless: "Well, it won't happen in the future. I have already asked him to go to work in the company tomorrow."

Gu Ping was stunned for a moment, then she smiled dryly: "Isn't Zexi also owning a company?"

Mr. Gu snorted coldly: "Can his company be as important as Gu's?"

After finishing speaking, his tone was soft again: "Besides, he has gone to the company, which can also help you reduce some of the burden. You are not young anymore. After working hard all your life, it should be time to retire and enjoy the blessings."

"Dad, what are you talking about, as long as I see you healthy and healthy, I will be happy." Gu Ping forced a smile: "It's just that you asked Zexi to go to the company, what are you going to ask him to do? Boss You can’t just assign him a job.”

Mr. Gu seemed to ponder for a while, and then he said: "Just sit in your position. Aren't you expanding overseas companies recently? You should first go to overseas companies to manage and manage this project. This project is the focus of Gu's recent years. It is very important. , I don’t trust anyone else except you.”

(End of this chapter)

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