After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 295 Seems to be a Real Hammer

Chapter 295 Seems to be a Real Hammer

Su Zhaoxue took a deep breath and walked over step by step.

"Miss Su Zhaoxue, do you have anything to say about the question just now?"

"Miss Su Zhaoxue, do you want to explain about Su Zhen being disfigured by you?"

Before she got close, all kinds of scrutiny sounds had already entered her ears.

Su Zhaoxue had a severe headache, and her stomach felt nauseous, with bursts of sour water continuously gushing up.

She tried her best to restrain herself from vomiting, but when people are uncomfortable, there are some things that cannot be controlled at all.

"Miss Su Zhaoxue."

The voice kept ringing in her ears. She opened her eyes and looked at the large group of people in front of her. She suddenly felt a little dizzy. The pain in her stomach made her uncontrollable, and she bent down and vomited out.

Because of the early pregnancy reaction, Su Zhaoxue's appetite was not very good, and she didn't eat much all day. Even if she vomited, she didn't vomit anything except two mouthfuls of sour water.

That kind of discomfort made her feel extremely tormented!
"Miss Sister." Wang Xuan'er rushed over from behind, supported her, and asked worriedly, "Are you all right, does it matter?"

Su Zhaoxue waved her hand weakly at her: "I'm fine, it doesn't matter."

He reached out and held Wang Xuan'er's arm, trying to use her strength to make himself stand up.

Just as soon as he stood up, those people rushed up again immediately.

"Miss Su Zhaoxue, looking at you now, are you pregnant?"

"Whether the child belongs to Xu Qinqi, Qin Zexi, or someone else."

"Miss Su Zhaoxue, can I trouble you to give us a satisfactory answer."

Finally Wang Xuan'er couldn't help it, and pointed at the group of people with wide eyes and yelled: "I said, can you people stop asking non-stop? Is it interesting? Your parents let you come out to work just to let you Do you inquire about other people's private lives?"

"Isn't there a saying that people need face and tree needs bark? Are you all still human? Why don't you lose face?"

When Wang Xuan'er's words came out, it really had a little deterrent effect, and the surrounding area was quiet for a few seconds.

It's just a pity that shameless people are not afraid of being called shameless at all.

Immediately afterwards, someone turned to Wang Xuan'er: "Miss Wang Xuan'er, I heard that you fought for Xu Qinqi and Xia Si'en before. I wonder if you know that the relationship between Miss Su Zhaoxue and Mr. Xu Qinqi is very unusual?"

Su Zhaoxue's head felt as if it was going to explode after being quarreled, and the whole person saw that the things in front of her eyes became more and more blurred, and suddenly her eyes went dark, and she fell to the side.

"Oh, miss."

Before she fell into a coma, she heard Wang Xuan'er's anxious cry, and then she fell into a big embrace.

The very strange embrace, at least in Su Zhaoxue's memory, did not seem to exist.

Su Zhaoxue really wanted to open her eyes to see who it was, but she couldn't open her eyelids at all, and then her consciousness controlled her and fell into a deep sleep.

When he woke up again, before he opened his eyes, there was a voice in his ear.

"Put all the phones and tablets away, and don't let her watch the news or trending searches for a few days."

The voice was very familiar, with a cold commanding tone, and there was no one else except Qin Zexi.

(End of this chapter)

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