After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 296 Seems to be a Real Hammer

Chapter 296 Seems to be a Real Hammer

"Alright Mr. Qin." It was Yu Guo who answered.

"However, it's not something you can hide from, Miss Sister and her husband, haven't you thought about clarifying for Miss Sister?" It was Wang Xuan'er who spoke in a soft tone.

Qin Zexi seemed to ponder for a while: "This matter is no longer something that can be resolved by clarifying it. Before Mei Hong was found, it would only cause Zhaoxue to suffer a lot of infamy."

"Then let the media write whatever they want now? Huh, it's obviously not the young lady who did it. Why do everyone scold her?" Even though she was humming angrily, Wang Xuan'er's soft tone was still It looks cute.

"I will deal with it. Yu Guo, you first use Zhaoxue's Weibo to publish a statement about those rumors, affirming that the rumors circulating on the Internet that Zhaoxue's bad pregnancy was Xu Qinqi's child and the incident of framing Su Zhen do not exist. Yes. Then I will issue a statement in the name of the company, and then find a few accounts with the most retweets on Weibo, and sue them. In this way, it should be able to play some role."

Su Zhaoxue was wondering what the three of them were talking about before, but now she finally understands that it is about Su Zhen, but what does the child in her belly have to do with Xu Qinqi?
When Su Zhaoxue was wondering, she suddenly remembered that when she fainted, she fell into the arms of a stranger.

The person in that embrace could never be Wang Xuan'er, nor could it be a girl.

The person who should have caught her was really Xu Qinqi.

Thinking of this, Su Zhaoxue couldn't pretend to be asleep anymore, she opened her eyes and sat up straight away, turning her head to look at Wang Xuan'er: "Who brought me to the hospital that day?"

"Xu Qinqi." Wang Xuan'er didn't react and told the truth directly.

Only after finishing speaking did he suddenly wake up, and said in surprise, "Miss, you're awake."

"Are you awake? Is there any discomfort?" Qin Zexi looked at her, with a trace of joy in his eyes, but quickly but calmly sat down next to her, and then naturally took her hand.

Su Zhaoxue looked at him, then shook her head, "I'm fine."

"Well, why didn't you tell me you were pregnant?" Qin Zexi's expression remained unchanged.

"I only found out this morning. I planned to send you a message after work was over, but I didn't expect to meet Su Zhen."

I don't know why, although Qin Zexi said that he looked at her tenderly, Su Zhaoxue still felt that she was being watched by him, as if she was a little scared.

"The doctor said that your body is too weak and needs to be replenished. Have you not eaten properly recently?"

"No, I have a good meal."

She has indeed eaten very little recently, mainly because she has no appetite, and she has always eaten less, and she is used to it.

She was just afraid that Qin Zexi would scold her, so Su Zhaoxue just lied, but after she finished telling the lie, she immediately lowered her head in a guilty conscience.

"Since I ate well, why do I still faint because of low blood sugar? Fortunately, I'm still in City G. If I'm not here." Qin Zexi's voice was already a little deep, and he could still feel a little bit of it. unhappy.

Su Zhaoxue:
She knew that in front of Qin Zexi, she couldn't even tell half a lie.

(End of this chapter)

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