Chapter 297
"Okay, you need to be more careful in the future, you know?" Seeing Su Zhaoxue's pitiful look with her head lowered, Qin Zexi's heart softened again, although her tone of resignation softened a lot.

Su Zhaoxue nodded. Seeing that Qin Zexi didn't seem to be angry, she raised her head and asked tentatively, "Where did Su Zhen go after I passed out? Did Mei Hong find her?"

Qin Zexi said: "Su Zhen, I put her in the hotel for the time being. She refuses to reveal Mei Hong's whereabouts. Su Cheng and Lin Qingya are already on their way."

"Then did she do anything to Mei Hong?" Su Zhaoxue suddenly became anxious.

Su Zhen originally wanted to threaten her with Mei Hong, but now that something like this has happened, I don't know if Su Zhen will go crazy and torture Mei Hong.

"I have already sent people to search various places in City H, you can rest assured that we will find her soon." Qin Zexi comforted her.

Su Zhaoxue frowned, but suddenly remembered something: "I don't think Mei Hong is in City H, but she should be in City G, and it's not far from the place where we filmed last time. And have you ever thought about how Su Zhen left? City H came to City G?"

"I've thought about this question too. I've checked it out. The first place Su Zhen went to when he left City H was the capital city. On the day you came to City G, Su Zhen came to City G."

"So she knows my itinerary very well, so she came to G City with a purpose for me."

Qin Zexi's words were very clear, so Su Zhaoxue naturally understood them.

"What about Mei Hong? Haven't you found any trace of Mei Hong?"

Qin Zexi shook his head: "With Mei Hong's physical condition, it is impossible for her to take the same flight as Su Zhen, and I have also checked all the trains, buses, and even other transportation vehicles to and from City H, Beijing, and City G." , and no trace of Mei Hong was found."

"What about her? Could it be that she is still in City H?" Su Zhaoxue felt unbelievable again.

She clearly remembered that when she was there with Su Zhen, the actions of the nurses in the video were all directed by her.

If Mei Hong is really still in City H, then how could Su Zhen be so far away to remotely control the nurse?

"I'm sorry, Ms. Su Zhen, Mr. Qin told me that you can't go out?"

Su Zhen glared at the two tall and burly men guarding the hotel entrance: "I want to see you President Qin, do you know that you are illegally imprisoned like this?"

"Sorry, we don't know where Mr. Qin is, so Miss Su Zhen invites you in, otherwise we can only invite you in."

"Are you threatening me?"

Su Zhen sat down angrily at the door, "I won't go in today, you guys bring me Qin Zexi."

"Miss Su Zhen, please get up quickly."

"Wow, come quickly, everyone, come and take a look, someone wants to bully a good woman in broad daylight, everyone, come and save me..."

Su Zhen suddenly acted like a shrew, completely disregarding her image, sitting at the door and yelling,
The two men glanced at each other, with obvious contempt in their eyes, but one of them still said kindly: "Miss Su Zhen, there is only one room on the top floor of the hotel here, even if you shout your throat, no one will Come on, if you want to go out, I can give you a suggestion, tell us the whereabouts of Mei Hong, and we can consider letting you go out."

(End of this chapter)

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