After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 306 Is It Bad To Live?

Chapter 306 Is It Bad To Live?

Qin Zexi subconsciously wanted to hold her back, but he didn't. He had no choice but to follow her, thinking to protect her, lest Su Zhen go crazy and hurt her.

Su Zhaoxue was really angry, she was so angry that she didn't want to worry about anything.

She really wanted to see if Su Zhen really had the guts to commit suicide besides crying and fussing!

Quickly walking in front of Su Zhen, Su Zhaoxue suddenly squeezed her wrist with a blank expression.

Originally, Su Zhen wanted to hide, but she couldn't.

"What are you going to do?"

Looking at Su Zhaoxue who was no more than a thumbs away from her, Su Zhen suddenly panicked, instead of yelling, she asked with trembling throat.

How could Su Zhen's expression escape Su Zhaoxue's eyes, and she smiled coldly: "What do you think I want to do? Su Zhen, don't you really want me to take responsibility for you? Yes, you can do it today Use the shards of glass in your hand to cut your neck artery, and I will do it for you. I, Su Zhaoxue, will do what I say, but I don’t know if you, Su Zhen, have the guts.”

Su Zhen's pupils instantly became bigger because of the fright. She looked at Su Zhaoxue in disbelief, held back for a while, and then said, "Su Zhaoxue, are you crazy? In my hand."

"Mei Hong, heh, who is Mei Hong? Mei Hong is your biological mother, Su Zhen. If you want to torture your biological mother, I will not stop you, as long as you are willing." Su Zhaoxue smiled lightly, He didn't seem to care at all.

"Mei Hong raised you, how could you be so heartless." Who knew that Su Zhen condemned her.

Hearing these words, Su Zhaoxue was inexplicably amused, squinted her eyes, and looked at the surprise, doubt, and even anger on Su Zhen's face, she slightly parted her red lips: "Su Zhen, do you think I and you In comparison, who would be more heartless? You are the one who tortured Mei Hong, not me, you just want to pinch my weakness and use Mei Hong to make me submit."

"Yes, I almost gave in when I watched the videos you took before."

"I'm indeed soft-hearted, but it doesn't mean I can let you trample on me at will."

"You, Su" Su Zhen didn't expect that Su Zhaoxue would stop doing this kind of thing, and she was a little incoherent in a hurry, and subconsciously wanted to break free from Su Zhaoxue's holding her hand.

Unexpectedly, Su Zhaoxue was pressing down on her hand so hard that she couldn't move, her cold eyes were like ice blades: "I said, you use the glass shards in your hand to cut through the artery below." , I will immediately take over all the previous crimes for you."

The shards of glass were heavily pressed by Su Zhaoxue on the arteries in his neck, and Su Zhen's back and forehead were covered in cold sweat.

She raised her hand vigorously, resisting Su Zhaoxue's strength.

"Su Zhaoxue, let me go."

Su Zhen's reaction was not unexpected at all, Su Zhaoxue chuckled ironically: "Why, are you scared? Didn't you just want to die all the time? Since you are so afraid of death, why bother to act like you really don't want to?" It looks like it’s alive. Isn’t it good to be alive? If it’s dead, it will turn into a ball of ashes, and it will disperse when the wind blows, and you don’t even know where your arms and legs are.”

"Whether I want to die or not, do you have any control over you?" Su Zhen probably had nothing to say, and actually started to play a rogue.

(End of this chapter)

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