After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 307 Qin Zexi Injured

Chapter 307 Qin Zexi Injured

"I really don't care. Do you think I'm willing to care about you? You're going to die, and you're dragging me to the back. Can I ignore you? Su Zhen, let me tell you, be a human being like you, really, let me give you a suggestion , you might as well die and reincarnate to transform yourself."

After Su Zhaoxue finished speaking, she let go of Su Zhen heavily. Su Zhen staggered back, and the glass shards in her hand fell to the ground.

Lin Qingya was terrified watching from behind. Seeing this appearance now, she was so frightened that she hurried forward to support Su Zhen: "Xiao Zhen, Xiao Zhen, are you all right, are you all right?"

"Go away, it's useless." Su Zhen was furious, and when she saw Lin Qingya, she became even more angry, and pushed her away.

"Su Zhen, what on earth are you trying to do?" Su Cheng protected Lin Qingya from behind, and then roared angrily.

Su Zhen suddenly sneered: "What do I want to do..."

Before she finished speaking, she quickly bent down to pick up a piece of debris on the ground, and stabbed towards Su Zhaoxue.

"Su Zhaoxue, since you make my life worse than death, then you can die with me."

The distance between the two was very close, so close that Su Zhen could just stretch out his arms and directly stab the fragments towards her chest.

Su Zhaoxue was a little dazed and caught off guard, so much so that she forgot to dodge.

"Be careful."

A deep male voice suddenly sounded beside her ears, and then she was surrounded by a strong arm, she turned around, and there was a gust of wind in her ears, followed by a tearing sound.

Su Zhaoxue looked up and saw Qin Zexi who was frowning and seemed to be in pain.

Surprised: "What's wrong with you?"

Qin Zexi seemed to take a deep breath, then shook his head, and then supported her: "I'm fine, it doesn't matter if you want it."

"I'm fine." Su Zhaoxue shook her head, and with just a glance, she saw a bloodstain on the back of Qin Zexi's hand.

The bloodstain was quite long, and the cut seemed to be deep. The blood kept gushing out, and the cuffs of Qin Zexi's shirt were all wet with blood.

"You're hurt." Su Zhaoxue was startled, she quickly held the back of his hand in distress, and then pressed the bloodstain, trying to prevent the blood from gushing out.

"I'm fine." Qin Zexi let her pinch, although it hurt a little, but still smiled at her gently.

Su Zhaoxue's eyes turned red suddenly, and she complained with some distress: "You are still laughing, you have been cut so long, are you a pig, you don't know how to hide when you see her coming."

"What if I hide from you?" Qin Zexi still had a smile on the corner of his mouth, and his tone of voice was soft.

"I'm fine."

In Su Zhaoxue's heart, she would rather get hurt herself than watch Qin Zexi get hurt.

Unexpectedly, Qin Zexi said indifferently: "Then I'm fine, and you are my treasure. As your guardian, shouldn't I protect you well? If I can only hide behind you, then I would rather let you You leave me."

"You're talking nonsense." Su Zhaoxue was in a hurry, and quickly stopped him: "Don't say such things in the future."

She's not leaving, never will be!
"Su Zhen, I think you are really crazy. It is a great misfortune for our Su family to educate you like this."

Seeing that Qin Zexi was injured, Su Cheng, who had been standing aside and silent all this time, stood up for the first time.

(End of this chapter)

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