After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 311 Su Zhen is dead

Chapter 311 Su Zhen is dead (recommendation ticket requested)
"Sister Xue, I'm sorry, I'm sorry for you, you asked me to take good care of Aunt Mei, I didn't take good care of her, it's my fault, my fault."

Yu Guo was Su Zhaoxue who stayed in City G at that time, the purpose was to let her take care of Mei Hong!
It doesn't mean to take care of him like a patient, but to give him a mouthful of food when he eats, and give her a sip of water when he is thirsty.

In the last incident with the nurse, although Mei Hong was found by Qin Zexi's people and the nurse was punished, it is impossible to act as if nothing happened. Now Mei Hong has no self-defense ability. Su Zhaoxue Still worried, not to mention that Mei Hong is still in the same ward with Su Zhen.

She was afraid that Su Zhen's mental disorder would hurt Mei Hong again!
Although she felt that her worries were a little unnecessary, she was obviously a redundant person as the biological mother and daughter.

But self-deprecating is self-deprecating, she still kept Yu Guo.

Originally, she planned to report to the police when Su Zhen woke up. What happened to her grandfather had always been her heart disease, and she had to understand it.

But he didn't know the result of just one day, but what he was waiting for was this news.

Su Zhaoxue supported Yu Guo, trying to calm her down first: "Little Guoer, don't cry, can you tell me what happened."

After finishing speaking, he noticed something strange, Yu Guo's eye sockets were red, even a little swollen, his face was pale, his hair was disheveled, and there was even a faint palm mark on a cheek next to his ear.

Although it was not obvious, Su Zhaoxue still noticed it. She turned her head and looked at the red palm print in shock, then stretched out her hand and stroked it gently: "Xiao Guoer, look here, who hit you?" ?”

"Sister Xue, no one hit me. I accidentally bumped this." Yu Guo tilted his head and raised his shoulders, as if he wanted to cover this mark.

"Lin Qingya, right? I'll settle the score with her." Su Zhaoxue half-closed her eyes, a surge of anger surged in her heart, she pulled Yu Guo away.

She couldn't think of anyone else, Su Zhen was dead, only Lin Qingya could be so angry that she wanted to go crazy and beat someone up!

But Su Zhen's death has nothing to do with Yu Guo. Yu Guoer is her relative like her own sister, and no one can bully her.

"Sister Xue, it's not what you think. Lin Qingya didn't want to hit me on purpose, but she wanted to hit Aunt Mei. I blocked it, so I hit my face. I don't feel any pain, not at all. It hurts. The hospital is a mess right now, and you are not in good health, so don't go there yet." But Yu Guo suddenly pulled her back, and explained quickly, fearing that Su Zhaoxue would go out for her, There is something good or bad.

Su Zhaoxue stopped in her tracks, and looked at Yu Guo with distress and guilt: "Little Guoer, why are you so stupid, Lin Qingya is going to fight Mei Hong, just go for it, why do you block her for her?"

"I have nothing to do. I know, Sister Xue, you love Aunt Mei, not to mention that Aunt Mei is still a sick person. It's okay if I stand in her way." Yu Guo smiled, and didn't take the matter of being beaten to heart at all. superior.

While talking, she hurriedly reminded Su Zhaoxue: "Sister Xue, don't go to the hospital now, Lin Qingya made a big fuss in the hospital and said she was going to drag you to be buried with Su Zhen, you go now, Isn't it sent to the tip of the knife?"

 Today's second update!
(End of this chapter)

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