After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 312 Mei Hong's True Confession

Chapter 312 Mei Hong's True Confession (Please recommend a ticket)

Su Zhaoxue was stunned for a moment, but quickly sneered again: "Really, then I want to see how Lin Qingya wants to drag me to be buried with her."

When Su Zhaoxue heard Yu Guo's words, she was a little surprised at first, but after thinking about it, Lin Qingya could kneel for Su Zhen. Now that Su Zhen is dead, it's not uncommon for Su Zhen to say that she wants to be buried with her.

At Su Zhaoxue's insistence, Yu Guo took her to the hospital!
Sure enough, as Yu Guo said, the hospital is a mess!

The ward where Su Zhen and Mei Hong lived before is now full of people, and as soon as they approached, someone came over: "Miss Su Zhaoxue, Ms. Mei said she wanted to see you."

Mei Hong was isolated in another ward. When Su Zhaoxue entered, she was lying on the bed, looking out the door with her head tilted.

When she saw Su Zhaoxue, her dry and bloodless lips suddenly lifted up, and even her eyes, which had lost their luster, seemed to be dyed with light at this moment.

Mei Hong struggled to get up, but Yu Guo hurried over and helped her up.

Mei Hong smiled gratefully at Yu Guo, then looked sideways at Su Zhaoxue, wriggling her lips: "Zhaoxue, come here."

Mei Hong hardly had any strength, and when she spoke naturally, she only moved her lips, but there was no sound.

Su Zhaoxue judged what she was going to say from the words on her lips, paused for a moment, stepped forward and settled in front of the bed: "How did you do it?"

Su Zhaoxue still hasn't figured it out yet, Mei Hong has difficulty getting up by herself, how did she manage to make Su Zhen die in her sleep without being discovered. "

Unexpectedly, Mei Hong smiled very weakly, her voice was very low and weak: "I haven't been able to sleep well before, so I asked Nurse Ou to get me some sleeping pills to help me sleep."

Even though Su Zhaoxue was close, she couldn't hear what Mei Hong was saying, so she could only stare closely at her lips, distinguishing them one by one.

"So you gave Su Zhen those medicines?"

Mei Hong nodded: "Well, I got mixed into the water she drank the medicine, and she didn't wake up, so Lin Qingya fed the medicine."

Su Zhaoxue was a little shocked, which meant that Lin Qingya was also an indirect accomplice.

Mei Hong took a deep breath and continued: "Xiao Zhen was born to me. I originally sent her to the Su family to let her live a better life and be a better person, but I didn't expect that it would end up harming her." her."

"She killed Mr. Su, you, and the Su family. Even if she lives in this world, she is unforgivable. I gave birth to her but failed to educate her well. This is my fault, my fault. sin, so it is up to me to understand her, to set her free, to set you free, and to set everyone free.”

"Zhaoxue, the person I'm most sorry for in my life is you. It's just a pity that I didn't realize it until I was dying. I can't do anything for you. The only thing I can do is to clean up Xiaozhen for you. She hurt you. After more than twenty years, you have been suppressed for more than twenty years, you should take a breath and live back to your appearance as the eldest lady of the Su family."

"I am a dying person, and I have done wrong things for most of my life. This is the only thing that makes me feel no guilt or remorse. Zhaoxue, I know you are a kind and good boy. If you want to blame, you can only blame me. Back then Too greedy and vicious, otherwise you wouldn't have suffered so much these years."

"Just before I die, can I have a request, can you call me mom again?"

(End of this chapter)

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