After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 313 I'm Still Going

Chapter 313 I'm Still Going (Please recommend a ticket)
Shout out to mom!
Su Zhaoxue was subconsciously stunned when she watched Mei Hong's lips squirm, showing her mother's mouth shape!
This title is distant and unfamiliar to her!

Since she can remember, she hasn't called Mei Hong's mother!
And to call Lin Qingya's mother is an extravagant wish that I can't even imagine.


What is a mother? She is used to collect money, the one who only beats and scolds her, the one who never said a gentle word to her, the one who framed her with others?
Su Zhaoxue couldn't think of a good word about Mei Hong, but this woman had been her mother for more than twenty years in her heart!
Although she hated Mei Hong and loathed Mei Hong, she couldn't lie to her heart about her feelings for Mei Hong.

Mei Hong stretched out and tried to come over and grab her hand, but she just raised her arm, and in the end it was empty, but she fell down powerlessly.

"If you don't call, then don't call, I know that I have long since lost that qualification."

Mei Hong smiled, as if comforting Su Zhaoxue, but more like comforting herself!

As she spoke, the other hand was slowly lifted out of the quilt, and she was holding a bank card in her hand.

"There is 100 million in this card. I asked Su Zhen for it. Originally, I asked her for 200 million, and then took the money to collect the mountain and find a quiet place to spend the rest of my life. But she gave it to me. After 100 million, he was unwilling to give it and pushed me down the stairs. Fortunately, the money is still there."

"After I die, you can take this card. The password of the card is the last six digits of the card number. You are married to Qin Zexi, and I have nothing to prepare for you. These are my dowry for you. Yes. Although it is not much, it can be regarded as my love for you, and compensation."

"I won't ask for your money."

This was the second sentence Su Zhaoxue said after entering the ward!

She subconsciously wanted to refuse, as if she felt that after she refused, Mei Hong would not die.

This is the little thought in her heart!
But she won't say it, let alone show it!
Mei Hong forced a smile, as if mocking herself: "I know, you won't forgive me, I did it on my own, I don't blame you, if you want it, donate it to those in need, so I can feel more at ease when I die.”

"Anxin? Mei Hong, do you think you can be at ease?" Su Zhaoxue seemed to explode suddenly: "You think you did a good deed for me by killing Su Zhen? You think you gave me this money, Even if it is my compensation? Wrong, Mei Hong, you are really wrong, you don’t understand me at all, and I don’t expect you to understand me much, do you know what I envied most when I was young?”

"I most envy others to have a gentle mother who cooks delicious food, speaks softly, buys beautiful little skirts for her children, always shows up at the door of the classroom on time after school, and holds hands with her children. Let's go home together. You see, these everyday behaviors seemed so extravagant to me at that time."

"I don't even have the luxury of asking you to have a gentle talk with me once!"

"You asked me to call you mother once, but Mei Hong, have you ever thought about it? The name mother is very sacred, at least it looks like this in my heart. You think you are dying now, and you made one or two Can I forgive you completely?"

 The last update today!
  The author updates four times a day, and there is no less update!
  Tomorrow's update is early this morning!

  Also ask for a recommendation ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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