After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 314 I'm Still Going

Chapter 314 I'm Still Going (Please recommend a ticket)
Su Zhaoxue didn't know what was wrong with her, she just felt that she could finally have a chance to burst out the resentment accumulated in her heart.

She doesn't have high demands on Mei Hong, she just hopes to treat her children like most mothers.

Even if she wasn't Mei Hong's own!

It's just that people compare their hearts with each other, and she was just a child at that time!

The things she was looking forward to were obviously so simple that they could be seen everywhere on the street.

But so simple, so ordinary, after all, it still doesn't belong to her!

She complained about Mei Hong, and also hated Mei Hong!
But what really made her sad and desperate was the time when Mei Hong and Su Zhen lied to her in the hotel.

She has always treated Mei Hong as her biological mother. Even if this biological mother treats her badly, it is still the only family affection in her heart.

Otherwise, she would not have appeared at the hotel just because of Mei Hong's kind words!

But in Mei Hong's heart, she is someone else's child after all!

That's why she didn't take her feelings into consideration at all, causing her to be misunderstood by everyone, and then kicked out of the Su family.

At that time, she really hated her so much that she secretly swore in her heart that she would sever the mother-child relationship with Mei Hong.

But when she received the news that Mei Hong was injured and hospitalized, she still chose to come back.

It's not that she is kind, it's not that she is cowardly!
It was the dusty family affection in her heart, which she couldn't bear to throw away!
But being reluctant to return does not mean that she can really turn over all the previous things magnanimously!
There is also hatred, and there is still resentment!

After Su Zhaoxue finished speaking, she turned around and rushed out of the ward. She knew that she was very emotional at the moment, so she was still worried that she would say more radical words.

She hasn't lost her price yet, and she is going to worry about the past with a dying patient.

Yu Guo wanted to follow her out, but was stopped by Su Zhaoxue!
There was no one in Meihong's ward, except for two people guarding the door.

She knew that because of Su Zhen's matter, Mei Hong had a special status now, but with Yu Guo watching inside, she felt more at ease.

It's just that I didn't expect to bump into Lin Qingya head-on right after I left the ward door. I probably wanted to come to her to settle accounts, so before Su Zhaoxue could react, she stretched out her hand and grabbed her face-to-face s hair!

Su Zhaoxue was caught off guard, and her whole body was led astray.

"Su Zhaoxue, it's you, isn't it? You made Mei Hong do this. Anyway, she won't live long, so you gave her a large dose of sleeping pills and asked her to put them in the cup Xiao Zhen took the medicine from." , Xiao Zhen has been in a coma, and everyone thinks it is because of the injury."

"You guys are really vicious, you guys, Xiao Zhen is still so young, she is not married and doesn't even have a child of her own, so she was killed by you just like that."

"Su Zhaoxue, I don't care, you killed my little Zhen, you have to go and bury her with her."

"Go and bury her, you go to die, go to die."

Lin Qingya seemed to have gone crazy, she pulled Su Zhaoxue's hair forcefully, and yelled.

Someone came over and wanted to pull her away, but even though she held her arm, her hand was still tightly pulling Su Zhaoxue's hair!

Su Zhaoxue felt that her scalp was about to be pulled off by her!
(End of this chapter)

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