After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 32 She is my woman

Chapter 32 She is my woman
All the people present were so excited that they trembled involuntarily.

This gloomy laughter is too scary!
Su Zhaoxue tilted her head and looked towards Qin Zexi, only to see that his head was half down, the broken hair on his forehead fell down to cover his face, and there seemed to be a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, but he couldn't see clearly .

"Who gave you the guts to yell at my woman?"

Qin Zexi's voice was not loud, but his tone was slow and low, like a heavy hammer, directly hitting everyone's hearts.

Su Zhen's face turned pale in an instant!
The staff standing on the side were even more at a loss. Although this gossip was very exciting, she didn't want to participate in the open and secret fights of the bosses.

Su Zhaoxue was a little surprised, she could probably guess that Qin Zexi would come forward to resolve this matter, but she never expected that he would be so direct!
It's just straightforward and rude!

His woman!

Oh, if it wasn't for the presence of so many people, she would have wanted to run up, hug him and kiss him.

Well, although she wanted to and didn't have the guts!
Yuan Dapeng was probably also shocked by the cold aura of Qin Zexi's body, he half opened his mouth at a loss, but didn't answer for a while.

Su Zhen kicked him calmly, and he finally came to his senses. Looking at Qin Zexi's sharp eyes that seemed to swallow people apart, cold sweat broke out on his back.

Just thinking of the benefits that Su Zhen promised to give him, Yuan Dapeng seemed to have more courage, and pretended not to be afraid: "I say you, don't be young and show talent, but you don't know what is good or bad. Back then, you were sorry for Su Zhen. That is to say, my uncle is kind-hearted, so he didn't pursue you, if he is true..."

"If I'm real, what are you? Who are you, using the name of our Su family here to pretend to be a tiger?"

However, Yuan Dapeng hadn't finished speaking when a thick baritone-like voice suddenly came from the end of the corridor.

Su Zhaoxue looked back, only to find that it was Su Cheng!
Su Zhen also seemed to be shocked, turned her head to look at Su Cheng, until he approached, then called out in a low voice: "Dad."

Su Cheng glanced at her with a black face, and soon smiled, and walked to Qin Zexi's side: "Zexi, Xiao Zhen is ignorant, so she offended her, but look at my old face. Don't argue with her."

"How will he deal with it?" Qin Zexi didn't respond to Su Cheng's words, just raised his eyebrows, and stepped on Yuan Dapeng hard.

"Ah." Yuan Dapeng screamed again after being stepped on.

Su Cheng gave Yuan Dapeng a hard look, and then he laughed in a low voice: "Zexi, what are you going to do?"

Originally, Yuan Dapeng saw that Su Cheng was terrified to death, but now he saw Su Cheng being so humble next to Qin Zexi, so he started to panic.

"Uncle, I know I was wrong, and I will definitely not dare to act like this next time."

"Do you dare to have a next time?" Su Cheng looked at Yuan Dapeng lying on the ground in a mess, and was so angry that he almost kicked him.

Qin Zexi stomped his foot down again, and suddenly looked at Su Zhaoxue with a calm expression: "Besides touching your arm just now, where else did he touch you?"

The words are full of murderous intent!
Su Zhaoxue didn't understand, but shook her head.

Qin Zexi didn't move his eyebrows: "Then give up one of his hands."

As soon as the words fell, everyone around took a breath of cold air.

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(End of this chapter)

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