Chapter 33

"Zexi, this...isn't very good." Even Su Cheng was shocked with cold sweat on his brow.

Although he didn't want to see Yuan Dapeng very much, no matter what, he still didn't want such things as injury and bleeding to happen.

"Then you replace him?"

Unexpectedly, Qin Zexi suddenly looked at Su Cheng, his expression remained unchanged, as indifferent as if he was talking about such common things as eating and drinking tea at this moment.

Su Cheng even began to sweat coldly on his back!
Finally Su Zhen couldn't stand it anymore: "Qin Zexi, don't go too far."

"Too much?" Qin Zexi sneered suddenly: "If you think it's too much, you can replace him, otherwise please shut up."

"I am a person who is good in everything, but there is one thing that is not good. She protects food and protects weaknesses. Su Zhaoxue is my woman now. Whether she is good or not, I can only say by myself. Even a fingernail does not matter. Don't even think about touching anyone involved."

Qin Zexi's domineering words made Su Zhaoxue feel as if she was floating on the clouds, so dizzy that she almost thought she was hallucinating!

This is not what Qin Zexi said!
How could this be what Qin Zexi said!

What he said in front of Su Zhen, isn't he coming back for Su Zhen? Isn't he afraid of Su Zhen's misunderstanding when he said that?

Dizzy, dizzy, she should have recorded this passage just now, and it will be used as evidence in the future.

Su Zhen looked at Qin Zexi, her face was pale without a trace of blood, and she squeezed her palm fiercely, her heart was so jealous that she was dying, but she still had to pretend to be pitiful, and even deliberately lowered her tone He said a little more: "Boss Qin, knowing that you love Sister Zhaoxue, I am also really happy for her, but you can't just abolish Brother Dapeng's hand just to make yourself happy and relieve Sister Zhaoxue's anger. "

"Boss Su will come in person, or should I come?"

Qin Zexi didn't bother to talk to Su Zhen at all, but turned his head and looked at Su Cheng who was sweating profusely.

Su Cheng smiled dryly, Qin Zexi's aura was so oppressive that he didn't even dare to ask for love, let alone say a word.

"Uncle, save me, save me." Yuan Dapeng saw that the atmosphere was not right, and Su Cheng stood aside, but he didn't even say a word. He knew that the matter was getting serious and some things couldn't be ended, so he struggled He was about to get up from Qin Zexi's feet.

But Qin Zexi stepped on his chest, obviously feeling that he didn't use much strength, but he just couldn't get up.

"Brother... I beg you, you let me go. I was the one who didn't know Taishan, and I committed suicide. I will kowtow to you to make amends. Can you let me go?" Yuan Dapeng was frightened. I'm about to cry.

If he really loses one hand, then he is really doomed!
Qin Zexi waited for a long time, saw that Su Cheng did not speak, and raised the corner of his mouth sarcastically: "Since President Su does not speak, then I will take it as your acquiescence."

As he said that his foot had moved to the wrist of Yuan Dapeng's right hand, he kicked it quickly and ruthlessly.

"Ah." Yuan Dapeng let out a scream, and fainted from the pain.

Qin Zexi didn't even look at it, but looked at Su Zhaoxue who was at the side, frowning in a subtle way.

Because the incident happened so suddenly, Su Zhaoxue was unable to prepare mentally for a while, and Yuan Dapeng's deafening scream made her face turn pale with trembling heart.

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(End of this chapter)

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