After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 34 Happy?

Chapter 34 Happy?
Su Zhaoxue was not the only one who was frightened, even Su Cheng and Su Zhen next to her had extremely bad expressions.

Zhang Hongzhi, who was standing in the private room to secretly shoot the video, was so frightened that his hands softened, and the phone almost fell out.

He knew that Qin Zexi's methods had always been cold-blooded and ruthless, but he didn't know that he could directly abolish Yuan Dapeng's hand for the sake of Su Zhaoxue, regardless of Su Cheng's face.

Zhang Hongzhi was suddenly relieved with lingering fears. Fortunately, he didn't touch Su Zhaoxue when he was on the set, otherwise he would definitely not be able to stand here to shoot the video today. I'm afraid he would have been abolished like Yuan Dapeng long ago!
Thinking of this, Zhang Hongzhi couldn't help but tremble all over, and his heart began to retreat.

If he had known earlier, he shouldn't have come to Su Zhen. After getting into this muddy water, he was afraid that when Qin Zexi found out, his fate would be even worse than Yuan Dapeng's!
No one around dared to speak, not even to vent their breath.

Seeing Su Zhaoxue's terrified appearance, Qin Zexi frowned even deeper, a flash of remorse quickly flashed in his eyes, but he quickly returned to his original indifferent look.

After hesitating for a moment, he stretched out his hand and grabbed Su Zhaoxue: "Let's go."

Qin Zexi's big and generous palms gently covered the back of Su Zhaoxue's hands, and the scorching heat in his palms was transmitted continuously. Su Zhaoxue could only feel the blood in his whole body boiling up.

"Oh." Su Zhaoxue lowered her head, blushed weakly, and obediently followed behind Qin Zexi.

"Zexi..." Su Cheng came to his senses, as if he wanted to stop him.

Qin Zexi didn't stop walking: "President Su, if you have time, you should stay at home with your eldest daughter as much as possible, and let her try not to go out as much as possible. If I meet her next time, I will deliberately use the past to pretend to be pitiful. Do you think I tore her mouth, or crippled her hand?"

Qin Zexi's voice was not loud, even without any emotional ups and downs, but it made the faces of Su Cheng and Su Zhen instantly pale and bloodless.

A crisp sound of "snap" resounded through the entire corridor.

When Su Zhaoxue was pulled into the private room by Qin Zexi, Su Zhen's sharp crying voice came from the other end of the corridor: "Dad, did you hit me?"

Although this slap was not slapped by Su Zhaoxue, it inexplicably made her feel relieved.

She didn't hear what Su Cheng said later, nor did she have the heart to listen.

But she was in a very good mood now, looking down at her hand, which was held in Qin Zexi's big palm, she couldn't help laughing.

I really want to be held by him like this for the rest of my life!

"Very happy?" Qin Zexi suddenly stopped and turned around.

Su Zhaoxue lowered her head and was secretly laughing, but caught off guard and stopped her feet, and directly bumped into his arms.

The soft and warm touch came so unsuspectingly, Qin Zexi's eyes, which were originally clear and indifferent, suddenly seemed to be splashed with a layer of ink, as deep and dark as the sky in the middle of the night, with no end in sight.

Su Zhaoxue's height of 1.6 meters [-] is considered above average among girls, but for Qin Zexi, she is so short that it is not worth mentioning.

Qin Zexi lowered her head, her scorching breath fell on her face from the top of her head, it was warm and itchy, making her heart throbbing endlessly, as if there was an unspeakable impulse that kept surging in her heart.

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  Rainy day, bad mood, crying????

(End of this chapter)

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