After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 320 Mr. Gu is seriously ill

Chapter 320 Mr. Gu is seriously ill

Nose twitched, Su Zhaoxue's eyes were red, and she lowered her voice: "Where are you? Why didn't you come back and didn't tell me?"

"Sorry, I got dizzy from work, so I forgot." Qin Zexi's voice was soft and full of apology.

"Then where are you? In the company or the hospital?"

"In the hospital, grandpa's condition is not stable."

Is it because Mr. Gu's condition is unstable that he wants to divorce her?
Su Zhaoxue didn't want herself to think like this, but such thoughts couldn't stop popping up in her mind.

Thinking about it, the eye sockets became more red, and tears flowed down: "Then when will you come back?"

Even though she was thinking crazy, Su Zhaoxue still didn't dare to ask.

She kept telling herself that Song Yiran must have done all of this alone, and it must have nothing to do with Qin Zexi.

"Me." Qin Zexi was about to speak.

"Hi, Qin Zexi, look what delicious food I brought you." Song Yiran's voice suddenly rang through the phone.

Su Zhaoxue was stunned for a moment.

And the other side of the phone suddenly fell silent.

It's not because of anything else, it's just that Song Yiran suddenly hung the food he bought in front of Qin Zexi's eyes, and it was still swaying in front of his cheek.

Qin Zexi was a little displeased, so he stretched out his hand to avoid the food, and then threw it aside.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Song Yiran yelled in surprise, then snatched Qin Zexi's phone and threw it aside.

"Oh, who told you that it's not serious."

After losing the phone, Song Yiran squatted down to pick up the phone pretendingly, and hung up the phone by the way.

"Give me the phone." Qin Zexi didn't even bother to look at Song Yiran, but just looked at the phone she picked up in her hand.

Song still pinched the phone and smiled: "What are you doing? I can't afford to make a joke. I bought the snacks with great difficulty, but I made a special trip to buy them for you. You waste them like this. I don't care, you want stay with me."

"You pretend to be affectionate and blame me?" Unexpectedly, Qin Zexi sneered.

"Hey, why are you like this, I am your sister after all."

"Hmph, who cares." Qin Zexi got up and walked outside after speaking.

Song Yiran looked at it and was anxious: "Why are you going?"

"Since you want to guard grandpa here, then I'll go."

"I have something to do later." Song Yiran said that he quickly stopped Qin Zexi, and then tilted his head and smiled: "I'd better trouble you to stay here and guard grandpa. I have something to do, so I'll go first."

After speaking, without waiting for Qin Zexi to speak, he turned around and left.

Qin Zexi looked at Song Yiran expressionlessly, then turned around again.

After Song Yiran went out, he ran into Han Bo who came back.

Han Bo was holding an insulated box. When he saw Song Yiran, he was taken aback for a moment, and his face quickly showed joy: "Miss Yiran, you are here."

"What did you do?" Song still looked at Han Bo with disdain.

Han Bo raised the thermos box in his hand: "Go and get something to eat for the young master."

"What about my mother, when are you going to let my mother show up? Why do you have to hide when you're back in the capital?"

Han Bo smiled: "Missy will be here soon, I have called her just now."

"Finally Ken showed up." Song Yiran smiled, and then handed the phone to Han Bo: "Luo, this is Qin Zexi's phone number, you give it to him in an hour."

(End of this chapter)

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