After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 321 Mr. Gu is seriously ill

Chapter 321 Mr. Gu is seriously ill

After being hung up on the phone, Su Zhaoxue called again unwillingly.

However, this time the call was not picked up.

He remembered Song Yiran's sweet words before the phone was hung up.

"It's not serious who told you to do it."

The two have physical contact, what are they doing?
Why did you hang up her phone all of a sudden?

Su Zhaoxue didn't dare to continue thinking about it!

But what can you do if you don't want to?
What the hell are Qin Zexi and Song Yiran doing?
Just when Su Zhaoxue was thinking wildly, the phone rang again suddenly!

Su Zhaoxue glanced at the incoming call, it turned out to be Zhong Lian.

When Han Bo entered with the insulated box, Qin Zexi had just come out of the doctor's office, and the doctor on duty followed him with a smile on his face: "Mr. Qin, next time you need to call, just tell me, I'll buy one." New ones for you."

Qin Zexi nodded towards the doctor on duty: "I'm sorry to trouble you."

"No trouble, no trouble, just come to me whenever you need it." The doctor said immediately.

Han Bo subconsciously touched the phone in his pocket, wanting to reach for it, but suddenly thought of what Song Yiran had explained, and then paused.

Qin Zexi glanced at Han Bo's hand holding his pocket, and then looked at him, pretending to be surprised: "Han Bo, it's so fast."

Only then did Han Bo seem to come to his senses, and quickly handed over the insulated box in his hand: "Well, young master, do you want to find a place to eat?"

"You don't need to find a place, just eat something casually at the door of Grandpa's ward." Qin Zexi took the incubator, said lightly, and walked towards the ward.

Han Bo hurriedly followed, but he didn't let go of his pocket.

Qin Zexi found a seat and sat down, then opened the thermos box, and there was a sweet soup in the box, Qin Zexi took a sip and frowned: "Hey, Uncle Han, has the chef changed at home, this soup doesn't taste right .”

Han Boli seemed a little embarrassed at the side: "No, it's always been this chef."

As he spoke, he seemed to be explaining: "Sometimes the taste is different, which is normal. After all, the amount of seasoning can't be mastered."

Qin Zexi nodded as if agreeing: "Well, it's a bit like Chen remembers the taste, no, this taste is exactly the same."

"Chen Ji is a nationwide chain of dessert shops, maybe the chef at home has worked in Chen Ji before." Han Bo blushed slightly, trying to make some far-fetched excuses.

Qin Zexi sneered at the doctor, and did not expose him, but put aside a sip of the sweet soup, and said, "I want to rest for a while, Han Bo, go back."

"Young master, please rest, I'm not sleepy yet, stay with the old man for a while."

When Han Bo was speaking, he glanced at the exit of the corridor.

Qin Zexi glanced at him, then leaned back on the chair and closed his eyes.

Han Bo should be waiting for Gu Ping!

It should be coming soon!
Sure enough, as Qin Zexi expected, Gu Ping appeared at the door of the ward less than 10 minutes after Qin Zexi closed his eyes.

As soon as he came, he pretended to be a filial son, and cried at the door: "Dad, I have only been away for a few days, why did you make it like this?"

"Dad, it's my daughter who is unfilial and didn't take good care of you."

Han Boli stood by Gu Ping's side, pretending to care about her, whether she would be tired after the long-distance flight, whether she should take a rest or not.

It's just that Gu Ping's cry was too fake, Qin Zexi couldn't bear it anymore, and suddenly opened his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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