After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 324 It's True

Chapter 324 It's True

Fortunately, the lights were not turned on, so my blushing would not be discovered!

Although Su Zhaoxue felt embarrassed, she just wanted to act like a baby when she hugged Qin Zexi, so she admitted without hesitation: "Well, I'm just jealous, you haven't told me yet, why did Song Yiran take your phone number?" ?”

Thinking of the divorce agreement that Song Yiran gave her just now, Su Zhaoxue felt a sharp pain in her heart.

The words were on the verge of asking, but I still didn't dare to ask.

Qin Zexi smiled softly, and suddenly leaned against the wall behind him.

Su Zhaoxue let out a soft cry in shock, but feeling the hot breath sprayed by the person in front of her, her face turned even redder and her hair became hotter, and her heartbeat also accelerated instantly.

"You want to ask, why don't you ask?" Qin Zexi asked softly this time.

Su Zhaoxue froze for a moment, only then did she understand what he was referring to!
He pouted: "Then you know it clearly, why didn't you say it?"

"Silly girl, didn't you say before that you have to be honest, and you forgot again?"

Qin Zexi's fingertips touched her cheek lightly, the coolness of the fingertips mixed with the heat on her cheeks made her feel very comfortable.

"But I dare not. I am afraid that you will tell it to be true."

Even at this moment, he is still gentle to her!
After all, it was because she had no confidence.

She threw those two pieces of paper directly on Song Yiran's face, but she couldn't deceive her heart, she was afraid, panicked, and uneasy.

"Then what if I tell you it's true?"

Qin Zexi's voice was still soft, but extremely serious.

It's not a joke, or a test!

Su Zhaoxue was stunned all of a sudden, she raised her head and looked in Qin Zexi's direction, even though she couldn't see anything, but in her heart, no one could describe him more clearly than him.

"What did you say, can you say it again?" Su Zhaoxue couldn't believe it, she thought her ears were hallucinating.

Qin Zexi seemed to hesitate for a moment, and then slowly spoke again: "I said. What I said is really just the divorce agreement."

"Stop, don't say anything, don't say anything." Su Zhaoxue's scalp exploded suddenly, and then interrupted Qin Zexi's words.

She almost exhausted all her strength, pushed Qin Zexi away, and quickly pushed to the door: "When Song Yiran brought the divorce agreement just now, I have clearly told her that the divorce is between the two of us. She, an outsider, shouldn't be involved in the matter. Since you really have this idea, Mr. Qin, I'll trouble you to deliver it yourself next time. "

As he spoke, he suddenly chuckled: "Oh, no, there won't be a next time. Since Mr. Qin wants to get a divorce, I will naturally make it happen. It's just a pity that I have torn up the divorce agreement you gave me , but it doesn't matter, I will send you a new copy, just pay attention to check it when the time comes."

After Su Zhaoxue finished speaking, she opened the door and rushed out quickly.

"Zhaoxue, listen to me." Qin Zexi stretched out his hand to grab her, but he didn't.

Just waiting for him to drive out with Su Zhaoxue, but she had already disappeared.

"Zhaoxue?" Qin Zexi panicked, knowing that it was impossible for her to take the elevator down at this time, so she pushed open the door of the stairwell and rushed down.

(End of this chapter)

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