After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 325 What does it have to do with you

Chapter 325 What does it have to do with you

His flustered footsteps could still be heard in the corridor, but on the invisible upper floor, a small figure that was originally leaning against the wall suddenly slipped to the ground at this moment.

The next day, G City International Airport!
After receiving the boarding pass, Yu Guo hurried to a hidden location.

Su Zhaoxue was wearing sunglasses and was staring blankly at the people coming and going, when Yu Guo came closer and called her several times, Su Zhaoxue seemed to wake up, then turned her head: "Have you changed? Let's go then."

After speaking, he got up.

"Hey, Miss Xue..."

Yu Guo seemed to have something to say.

But before she finished speaking, a tall figure stood in front of Su Zhaoxue.

Su Zhaoxue saw who was coming, and then asked Yu Guo: "Did you tell them?"

It was none other than Qin Zexi and Zhong Lian who came.

Yu Guo moved to Zhong Lian's side with some guilt, and then smiled: "Sister Xue, I think there must be some misunderstanding between you and Mr. Qin, why don't you sit down and have a good talk?"

When Su Zhaoxue ran out, she didn't bring anything with her, so she ran to the road and borrowed a phone from a passerby to call Yu Guo.

Yu Guo happened to be in the capital, but she was connected with Zhong at that time.

Well, as for why they are together!
Hmmmm, let's go on a date.

Yu Guo hurriedly picked up Su Zhaoxue, and took her to the hotel to get a room.

It's just that when Su Zhaoxue saw Yu Guo, she asked her to book a plane ticket to go abroad.

Then he prepared a divorce agreement overnight, signed it and handed it over to Yu Guo, asking her to find a chance for Qin Zexi.

It can be regarded as the end of their relationship.

When Yu Guo went to pick up Su Zhaoxue, she saw that her eye sockets were red and swollen, and there were tears on her face, her hair was messed up, she was still wearing the slippers she used at home, and she didn't have time to change her clothes.

The distressed Yu Guo wished he could hold Su Zhaoxue and cry!
But Su Zhaoxue was very calm the whole time, even calm.

Yu Guo was terrified by this, so he scolded Zhong Lian when he called.

In fact, they were all scolding Qin Zexi, who let Zhong Lian be his assistant, this is called bringing trouble to Chi Yu!
When Zhong Lian found out about this, he naturally wanted to report it to Qin Zexi.

That's why Qin Zexi came here!
It's just that Su Zhaoxue can only feel helpless seeing Yu Guo's quick defection!
Women in love are really fickle.

There is no time to blame her for anything, Xiao Guoer's starting point is also for her own good.

But now she really doesn't want to see Qin Zexi at all!
Bypassing him, his tone was indifferent: "I have already handed over the divorce agreement to Yu Guo, and I have already signed it. After you sign it, submit it to the court for judgment. When you get the divorce certificate, please remember to hand over the other copy to Yu Guo." If so, she will pass it on to me, thank you."

"Zhaoxue, I'm sorry." However, Qin Zexi suddenly grabbed her arm.

Oh, it's ridiculous!
Su Zhaoxue bit her lip, forced back the tears in her eyes, and snorted softly: "I'm sorry? Why do you say sorry, Mr. Qin, you have nothing to be sorry for me, I can live well without you .”

"Oh, by the way, Song Yiran came over yesterday and said, if we divorce, you will give me 1000 million, remember to credit it to my account then."

After all, not only for herself, but also for the child in her belly!

Without money, it is impossible to move an inch!

(End of this chapter)

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