After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 328 It's Nice To Marry Her

Chapter 328 It's Nice To Marry Her
Xia Sien was stunned by Su Zhaoxue's words. Looking at her, Xia Sien seemed to be trembling in disbelief: "How is it possible? How is it possible?"

"So if you don't believe me, you can just ask Xu Qinqi directly. It will be a waste of effort to stop me here." After Su Zhaoxue finished speaking, she planned to bypass her and go into the house.

I just didn't want Xia Sien to stop her suddenly: "It must be you, you lied to Brother Qin Qi, that's why he was played around by you. I already knew that you are not a good woman. I had a relationship with Qin Zexi before. When we were together, I liked to hook up with men everywhere, but now that I was dumped by Qin Zexi and pregnant with a child, I asked Brother Qin Qi to take the blame, why are you such a vicious woman."

Top pot?


Su Zhaoxue looked at Xia Sien who seemed very excited, but couldn't help but want to laugh: "Xia Sien, can you use your brain before you speak?"

As he spoke, he pointed to his own head: "Do you think everyone is as stupid as you? Who is Xu Qinqi? You've liked him for so long, but you still haven't gotten to know him? Can it be fooled?"

"It's true that the child in my stomach is not his, but he knows it, and it's between me and him. As for whether the child in your stomach is his, I think you should go to him, not here It won't do you any good to mess with me."

Xia Sien was still in a daze, but Su Zhaoxue quickly opened the door and entered the room.

Su Zhaoxue had a strong premonition that the child in Xia Sien's womb belonged to Xu Qinqi, but he didn't seem to know it yet.

And looking at Xia Sien like this, it seems that he has no intention of telling him!
The plot seems a bit bloody!

After thinking about it, Su Zhaoxue took out her phone and called Xu Qinqi.

Xu Qinqi had just left the community not far away, and was a little surprised to see Su Zhaoxue's call, but he quickly picked it up in a happy mood: "Little fairy, do you look like me now? I'm not far from the community now. No, I'll just go and accompany you today."

"A dog mouth can't spit out ivory, I have something to ask you." Su Zhaoxue has long been used to Xu Qinqi's snarky attitude when talking to her.

"Well, you said."

"Xia Sien came to see me. She seems to be pregnant. Does it have something to do with you?"

Xu Qinqi seemed surprised and was silent for a second, then he seemed to be in disbelief: "How is it possible, me and her."

But he stopped short and said loudly in surprise, "KAO, it must be so accurate."

Hearing these words, Su Zhaoxue probably understood: "Aren't you sure? I think you should talk to her. If she is really pregnant, if you don't hate her so much If so, it would be nice to marry her."

"But little fairy, I want to marry you." Xu Qinqi looked aggrieved.

"You think beautifully." Su Zhaoxue said, and hung up the phone first.

Just after hanging up the phone, Su Zhaoxue put her bag aside, and when she was about to change her shoes, the doorbell suddenly rang again.

Su Zhaoxue thought it was Xia Sien who hadn't left yet, frowned impatiently, then turned and opened the door.

But it wasn't Xia Sien who was standing at the door!

(End of this chapter)

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