After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 329 Qin Zexi is here

Chapter 329 Qin Zexi is here
Su Zhaoxue was startled when she saw the person coming, and then subconsciously closed the door again.

It's just that the man reacted quickly, he was already pushing against the door, and squeezed in through the crack of the door.

Su Zhaoxue simply gave up struggling, let go of the door, and then looked at Qin Zexi coldly: "Mr. Qin, do you understand breaking into a private house?"

"Zhaoxue." Qin Zexi stretched out his hand, as if wanting to hug her.

But Su Zhaoxue hid him!
Qin Zexi put down his arms a little embarrassingly, and said softly, "Zhaoxue, I miss you very much."

"Have you received the divorce agreement?"

Su Zhaoxue simply leaned against the wall beside her, and then turned on the corridor light.

The faint and dim yellow corridor lamp revealed Qin Zexi's slightly tired face.

It looks much thinner than before, and the whole person is not as radiant as before!
It feels like I have experienced great pain!
Seeing Qin Zexi in this state, Su Zhaoxue felt very distressed, but she quickly turned her head away and did not look at him again.

She was afraid that she could not help but hug him impulsively.

Qin Zexi paused for a moment before saying, "Give it to me, but I didn't sign it."

"Why don't you sign it? Didn't you want a divorce?"

"Zhaoxue, I never thought about getting a divorce."

Qin Zexi's voice was a little heavy, as if he was trying to endure something.

"I never thought about getting a divorce. You asked Song Yiran to send me a divorce agreement?" Su Zhaoxue suddenly turned her head and stared straight at Qin Zexi.

Qin Zexi's eyes flickered, as if he was a little guilty: "I was acting impulsively."

"Impulsive?" Su Zhaoxue suddenly laughed: "Qin Zexi, I never realized that you are also a person who treats marriage like a child's play."

"You even said that signing the divorce agreement was done on impulse, so are you going to tell me in the next sentence that you and I got the marriage certificate also on impulse?"

"No." Qin Zexi quickly denied it.

Su Zhaoxue didn't want to continue talking to him anymore, but waved her hand at him extremely impatiently: "I trouble you to sign the divorce agreement quickly, and then take the divorce certificate, don't delay me and others to get it Marriage certificate."

"Who do you want to get the certificate with? Xu Qinqi? I don't agree."

Unexpectedly, Qin Zexi stretched out his long arms suddenly, and immediately wrapped Su Zhaoxue who was leaning against the wall in his arms.

Su Zhaoxue didn't dodge or evade, she looked up at him directly like this: "Yes, there is a problem? You and I are divorced, what right do you have to say no?"

"I haven't signed the divorce agreement yet, so I'm still your husband now."

"Aren't you going to marry Song Yiran? Why, regret it now?" Su Zhaoxue chuckled, "Isn't it good to sign? We don't owe each other. If you marry your person, I will marry you." When my people get married, we don't violate the river."

Qin Zexi lowered his head and stared at Su Zhaoxue, his voice gradually cooled down, and it could be seen that he was trying to endure: "I will not marry Song Yiran, and you will never marry Xu Qinqi, my child can only Call me Daddy."

"Since this is the case, that's okay. I'll give it to you after the child is born, as long as you sign the divorce agreement."

"Su Zhaoxue, don't try to challenge my bottom line." Qin Zexi finally couldn't help it, and growled at Su Zhaoxue.

"What is the bottom line, Qin Zexi, can you be reasonable?"

(End of this chapter)

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