After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 330 Take her there

Chapter 330 Take Her Back
"You gave me the divorce agreement. You are the one who wants to divorce, not me. You have no right to control me, do you know?"

"Just because I am still your husband and the father of the child in your womb, I will not allow you to be with Xu Qinqi. Su Zhaoxue, you must know that from the moment you decided to get a marriage certificate with me, you Life can only be my Qin Zexi's person, and death can only die in my Qin Zexi's arms."

Qin Zexi seemed to be really, really angry. He lowered his head and looked at Su Zhaoxue, his ink-like eyes were full of anger.

Su Zhaoxue was very scared and flustered, but she still forced herself to look into Qin Zexi's eyes: "That's good, you say you are my husband and the father of the child in my belly, that's fine, take me back home. "

Su Zhaoxue looked at him expectantly, but hoped that his attitude at the moment would be as firm as he said just now, without any hesitation.

But Qin Zexi hesitated, even though he didn't say a word, his eyes completely betrayed him!
Su Zhaoxue suddenly sneered: "Since you don't even dare to admit my identity now, what else can we talk about? Could it be that you, Qin Zexi, still want me, Su Zhaoxue, to be your lover?"

"Zhaoxue, I just hope, the only hope, is that you can wait for me, take care of yourself and your child, and I will be able to take you back in a fair manner in a short time. Really, please believe me."

Qin Zexi's voice suddenly softened, he had never spoken to her in such a tone, at least Su Zhaoxue had never heard it before.

There was a hint of pleading in this gentle tone.

In other words, Qin Zexi is begging Su Zhaoxue at this moment!
In Qin Zexi's memory, only others begged him, so he would never have thought that he would beg for others.

Seeing him like this, Su Zhaoxue really felt distressed!

Very very distressed!
She didn't understand, since the two of them are together, shouldn't they face all difficulties together?

Why did Qin Zexi insist on kicking her away and facing her alone?
Wasn't he strong enough for her, or he didn't believe her at all!

"No, if you still treat me as your wife, you can take me back now. Otherwise, we will go to get the divorce certificate tomorrow."

Su Zhaoxue couldn't force him to tell the truth, so she had to use threats!

Qin Zexi looked at her without saying a word. In his long and deep eyes, there was Shen who could not see the end!

Su Zhaoxue didn't know to ask him to answer, and just looked at him quietly, but her eyes were firm, just like what she said just now.

The two looked at each other, and Su Zhaoxue looked into his eyes, and gradually, gradually, a gleam of light appeared, and the light became brighter and brighter, and then Qin Zexi opened his mouth slightly: "Okay, I take you back."

Su Zhaoxue simply packed up her things, and Qin Zexi took her out of the community.

Qin Zexi was silent all the way and didn't say much, but when he got in the car, he asked her if she had dinner.

It's just that Su Zhaoxue's skills are still a little weak, and she couldn't hold back anymore, so she took the initiative to explain: "I don't have the relationship with Xu Qinqi as stated in the report."

"Well, I know." Qin Zexi looked at the front and drove the car very seriously, and spoke in a calm tone.

(End of this chapter)

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