Chapter 335
Su Zhaoxue found an opportunity and caught Xu Qinqi: "Have you talked to Xia Sien about what I told you last time?"

Xu Qinqi was sitting on a rocking chair and was familiar with the script. Hearing Su Zhaoxue's words, he dropped the script, looked at Su Zhaoxue with a smile, then moved to the side, and patted the empty seat next to him: "Little fairy, sit together. "

Su Zhaoxue gave him a big roll of the eyes, before he could speak, suddenly there was a stool beside him.

"Miss Su, please sit down."

Su Zhaoxue turned her head and saw a strange middle-aged man with a round face wearing glasses. She was a little surprised but thanked him politely, and then sat down.

Xu Qinqi took a meaningful look at the man standing behind Su Zhaoxue: "Manager Han, how did you become a studio boy? You were assigned by your boss?"

Manager Han that Xu Qinqi mentioned was Gallon's investment manager.

Su Zhaoxue's play and endorsement were signed by him and Xu Qinqi!
It was originally intended to flatter, but I didn't expect to slap on the horse's hoof.

Manager Han, who came to understand now, knew that he had been fooled by Xu Qinqi, so naturally he had no good attitude towards him, the culprit.

"Xu Qinqi, don't blame me for not reminding you, Miss Su Zhaoxue is our boss's person, if you are sensible, you'd better stay away from her."

If Su Zhaoxue didn't understand just now, she would understand after listening to Manager Han's words.

He said how could someone so coincidentally move a stool over for her, and after a long time, it was still Qin Zexi's person.

Thinking of the resentful little eyes of someone when I came to the set yesterday, it is not unusual for Manager Han to appear here.

But after listening to what Manager Han said, Xu Qinqi didn't show how angry, but smiled and shook his head again: "Manager Han, I'm afraid you didn't understand the situation, we are filming, you told me to stay away from her One point, does this mean that the film is not allowed to be filmed? Your boss admits to paying liquidated damages?"

When it came to liquidated damages, Manager Han's face turned dark.

When he first signed the contract, he was so focused on currying favor with Qin Zexi that he completely ignored the liquidated damages.

It was later learned that in order to prevent them from breaking the contract, Xu Qinqi directly adjusted the liquidated damages to fifty times the payment amount.

Su Zhaoxue's salary for this movie is 100 million!

Fifty times one million!
He can't afford to pay for it if he sells it, not only in this life, but also in the next life and the next life.

Seeing that Manager Han didn't speak, Xu Qinqi glanced at Su Zhaoxue as if there was nothing, and then said with a smile: "It's only 5000 million, isn't it trivial for your boss? If he really cares about Zhaoxue, he doesn't want her and I'm making this movie, can't it be solved in minutes? Why, can't bear the money?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Manager Han naturally wanted to defend Qin Zexi, after all, he was the boss he had to rely on for food.

"Am I talking nonsense?" Xu Qinqi's expression was always calm, and there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

Seemingly harmless, seemingly unintentional!
In fact, Xu Qinqi was deliberately trying to provoke Qin Zexi and Su Zhaoxue!
How could it be possible that Su Zhaoxue could not understand, feeling unhappy, she got up and explained for Qin Zexi: "I insisted on coming, and he respects my opinion, how could this be a reluctance?"

"It's your own business. I advise you to have some snacks."

(End of this chapter)

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