After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 336 Real Shooting

Chapter 336 Real Shooting
What have you done, don't you know in your mind?
I don't even look at my identity!
If Xia Si'en is really pregnant, and when the time comes, the child will be born, and the child will be forced into marriage, and the trouble will be known to everyone, why not go and have a good talk with her now!
It's just that Su Zhaoxue didn't say what happened next.

After all, the studio is no other place, full of people talking.

Xu Qinqi is a sensible person, so he can understand it as soon as he hears it.

The smile on the corner of his mouth was still there, but his eyes suddenly turned cold.

"Little Fairy, thank you very much, if you hadn't reminded me, I almost forgot about it."

Then he got up and put his hands in his pockets, as if he was going to find Xia Si'en.

Su Zhaoxue was going to talk to Xia Si'en in the future, so he didn't pay much attention, so he turned around and returned to his seat to familiarize himself with the script.

It's the first time I'm taking on the role of a heroine, so I still have high expectations.

Because Xia Sien's scene had to be filmed first, there was a rivalry scene between Su Zhaoxue and Xia Sien in the afternoon.

Xia Sien plays a girl who is ten years younger than Su Zhaoxue in the play. Because she likes Xu Qinqi's role in the play, she finds Su Zhaoxue.

The little girl was messing around, and the two finally had a little physical conflict. The character in Xia Sien's play slapped Su Zhaoxue, and then happened to be seen by the character in Xu Qinqi's play. Because he wanted to protect Su Zhaoxue's character, Xu Qinqi pushed him away. Xia Sien gave it a hand.

When Xia Si'en finished her makeup and came out, she could still vaguely see a slight redness in her eye sockets, as if she had cried just now.

Su Zhaoxue was a little surprised. Didn't Xu Qinqi go to talk to Xia Sien? What did he say that made Xia Sien cry?

The dialogue scene between Xia Sien and Su Zhaoxue is separate from the physical conflict scene. The dialogue scene between the two filmed first went quite smoothly, and it was over in one go.

The director stopped: "Okay, I'll give you a few minutes to build up your emotions, and we'll go straight to filming later."

Yu Guo hurried over, glanced at Xia Sien, and then carefully reminded Su Zhaoxue: "Sister Xue, do you want the director to borrow a seat for the filming? I think Xia Sien's eyes on you are not right. .”

Su Zhaoxue was stunned, and now she was smiling: "It's okay, it's not a day or two for Xia Sien to see that I'm not feeling well, I have my own measure."

In a few minutes, the next play!

Directly following the scene above, the character in Xia Sien's play excitedly slapped the character in Su Zhaoxue's play!

"Okay, the actors stand up, let's borrow seats for this scene." The director shouted with a loudspeaker.

"Why the director? Do you need to borrow a seat to shoot something simple?"

Xia Sien was a little proud at first, but the director's words caught her off guard.

"Other actors will still have roles in the future." The director explained with a good temper.

"I can't brew any feelings on borrowed seats." Xia Si'en said directly.

The director was a little helpless, so he could only look at Su Zhaoxue: "Su Zhaoxue, what do you think?"

Su Zhaoxue knew long ago that Xia Sien would definitely come back to this trick, so she smiled in no surprise: "I don't have any opinions, I can shoot whatever I want."

The director nodded in satisfaction, and then said again: "Okay, since this is the case, let's shoot for real. All departments prepare, and the next scene will start immediately."

(End of this chapter)

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