After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 339 She is really pregnant with Xu Qinqi's child

Chapter 339 She is really pregnant with Xu Qinqi's child
The next few scenes were still Xia Si'en's roles, Su Zhaoxue and her opponent didn't have many scenes, after filming, they went back to the hotel.

After taking a shower, Su Zhaoxue was wiping her hair with a towel when Qin Zexi called.

"Did you go well today?"

Hearing Qin Zexi's soft voice, Su Zhaoxue was suddenly in a good mood, and regardless of whether her hair was still wet, she fell down on the bed and raised her feet: "Well, it's good, what are you doing? It looks so noisy."

Qin Zexi glanced at the busy finance department and smiled, "I'm working overtime."

"Are you busy today?" Su Zhaoxue blinked. After being with Qin Zexi for so long, it seemed to be the first time she heard him talk about working overtime.

Qin Zexi's voice was still faint: "Well, there are some problems with the company's accounts."

"Oh, is it because of Gu Ping?" Su Zhaoxue subconsciously thought of Gu Ping.

With Mr. Gu's current appearance, Qin Zexi's sudden check of the accounts must not be the most recent one.

"En." Qin Zexi agreed, which was an admission.

"Any idea about that?"

"Just a little bit, don't worry, don't worry. What about you, did anything happen during the filming today?" Qin Zexi comforted her as if he knew what was going on in her heart, and quickly changed the subject.

Although Qin Zexi's words were interrogative sentences, the tone was clear as if he already knew it well.

Su Zhaoxue knew that she couldn't hide it from him, so she simply told the truth: "What else can there be? Xia Sien found fault with her, but it's nothing serious. It's normal in the crew."

"Do you need me to help you?"

Su Zhaoxue was surprised that Qin Zexi would take the initiative to ask her.

She was thinking that if she said this, Qin Zexi would come to invest directly like she did in the variety show last time.

"No, there's no need. It's not a big problem. Besides, Xia Si'en has always disliked me. It's normal for there to be friction between the crew and artists."

Su Zhaoxue quickly rejected Qin Zexi's offer.


Qin Zexi responded, but before he finished speaking, the doorbell rang suddenly.

Su Zhaoxue hurriedly said, "Wait a minute, it should be Yu Guo, I'll open the door first."

As he spoke, he took the phone, got up and ran to open the door.

It was just a surprise that it wasn't Yu Guo standing outside the door, but Xia Sien who was supposed to be filming on the set.

"What's the matter?" Su Zhaoxue was surprised that Xia Sien would come to her.

"Aren't you going to invite me in for a sit down?" Xia Si'en looked at her and smiled, but that smile had an indescribable and uncomfortable feeling.

Su Zhaoxue didn't move, and frowned: "If you have anything to say, just say it here, I believe you don't have much to say to me, just talk about the main points."

"Su Zhaoxue, are you afraid of me?" Xia Sien suddenly laughed.

When she was speaking, she had already squeezed into the room from her side.

Then, as if entering his own house, he walked in directly and sat down on the bed.

Su Zhaoxue didn't know what her intention was, so she closed the door, glanced at the phone, and then walked in.

"Su Zhaoxue, Xu Qinqi told me to get rid of this child, it was your idea." Xia Sien's voice was heard as soon as he walked in.

Su Zhaoxue was stunned for a moment: "Are you really pregnant with Xu Qinqi's child?"

(End of this chapter)

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