After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 340 I Had a Miscarriage, Su Zhaoxue Made It

Chapter 340 I Had a Miscarriage, Su Zhaoxue Made It

"No." Xia Sien suddenly denied it.

Before Su Zhaoxue could figure it out, she heard Xia Sien's voice: "He doesn't recognize him, what can I do?"

"Huh? Don't recognize it?"

"That's right, he didn't recognize it, he said the child wasn't his." Xia Sien's voice was light and light, and when he said this, a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes, but it was soon covered by a layer of laughter.

Su Zhaoxue frowned: "Then is the child in your belly his?"

Why does it feel like Xia Sien is vacillating after hearing what she says?
And the way she speaks at this moment is completely different from before.

If it was the way it was before, Xia Si'en would have been very excited to argue with her at this moment, how could he sit so calmly?

Don't even think about it!
"I do not know."

Su Zhaoxue:
what's the situation?
Why do you feel that the situation is a bit chaotic?

"I clearly remember that it was him that night."

Su Zhaoxue:
"My intuition tells me that the child is his. I was very happy to tell him the good news, but he told me that he was not in City G that night, and he had something to leave, and he will Show me the travel log."

"Originally, I planned to give birth to the child no matter whether it was his or not."

"Just now, he came to me again and told me to kill the child. He also said that even if I threaten him with the child in the future, he will not marry me. He doesn't like me, not at all. If If he likes me, even if the child in his womb is not his, he is still willing to marry."

"Listen, Su Zhaoxue, isn't he talking about you."

"Tell me, what did you use to make him so obsessed with you."

While Xia Sien was talking, he suddenly stood up from the bed.

Surprised, Su Zhaoxue took two steps back, half-closed her eyes and looked at her vigilantly: "Then you came here to tell me this? My relationship with Xu Qinqi is not what you think, nor is it what you think. Well, I don't know why he always likes to act like he likes me and appreciates me in front of the public, but I can tell you very clearly that I have no affair with him."

"And I'm married, as you know, I don't have that hobby to try out extramarital affairs. As for the matter between you and him, it depends on you to resolve it."

"Su Zhaoxue, don't act like you are innocent. Originally, I thought that even if Xu Qinqi didn't recognize this child, I would be able to raise him by myself. It's just that you are too deceitful, which makes me feel uncomfortable. , don't even think about it."

Xia Sien stared at her, and finished speaking excitedly!

It was only then that Su Zhaoxue seemed to have discovered something was wrong. Xia Si'en's forehead was covered with beads of sweat, and her face was also unbelievably pale. The part of the bed where she was sitting on was also covered in blood at this moment.

"What's wrong with you? I'll take you to the hospital." Su Zhaoxue was startled, and naturally understood what was wrong with Xia Sien, so she hurriedly took a step forward.

Unexpectedly, Xia Sien pushed Su Zhaoxue away with a wave of his hand, then with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, he picked up the phone and put it to his ear: "Bring someone in, I had a miscarriage, Su Zhaoxue did it."

As soon as the words fell, the door of the room was suddenly knocked open!
(End of this chapter)

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