After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 346 Is there a scandal?

Chapter 346 Is there a scandal?

"KAO, what did I see?"

"Didn't this Su Zhaoxue say that she broke up with the prince of the Gu family before? Why are they getting together again?"

"Let me just say, what does Prince Qi think of a woman like Su Zhaoxue?"

"Turn off the live broadcast for me."

Xu Qinqi, who had reacted, suddenly let out a low growl.

The face that was still smiling, like the sky in June, was instantly covered with a layer of dark clouds.

The assistant didn't dare to speak out, let alone say a word, so he immediately turned off the live broadcast!

The fans in front of the screen were stunned, and they were too surprised to post the barrage, but they forgot to take a screenshot. They felt like they had lost hundreds of millions, and they all patted the table and beat their chests, crying unceasingly.

"Little fairy, don't tell me, the reason why you dragged me into the scandal before was because of Qin Zexi."

Xu Qinqi's voice was a little indifferent, it was the first time he spoke to her in this tone, and there was a little other emotion in the indifference, the feeling was indescribable, it was strange and strange, as if it was him The other side that has been hidden all this time suddenly appeared in front of her.

Su Zhaoxue was a little confused, but she still said: "I think you have misunderstood something, when did I drag you into the scandal?"

"I went to the hospital for an examination. You insisted on accompanying me. I also made it clear to you that I was pregnant with Qin Zexi's child. Wearing a couple outfit with you was just for an examination, and the clothes were dirty. , It just so happens that you have a lady's dress in the car that you endorsed, and I have returned the diamond ring to you. The reason why I brought your diamond ring is because you said that I want to accompany you to deal with your parents."

"In the month when I went abroad, I really thanked you for taking care of me. I didn't know that I would meet you abroad. But Xu Qinqi, I have always clearly stated our relationship, and I don't need to worry about you and Su Zhen teamed up to try to harm me, I can also be good friends with you, but apart from friends, our relationship can't be any closer, I only have Qin Zexi in my heart."

"I never thought of using you, and I don't understand why you like me. As I told you before, it is impossible for me and you. You are a smart person. I thought you I figured it out a long time ago.”

Su Zhaoxue also didn't understand, the scandals that spread before were all inexplicable, although she never took those scandals to heart, and she never gave any explanation, but how did Xu Qinqi fall into Xu Qinqi's heart, and she used him to stir things up. Gossip?
At that time, the reason why she chose to stay abroad for a month and then return to China for the birth checkup was simply because she was worried about Qin Zexi.

She knew that he drove her away because he was afraid that Gu Ping and Song Yiran would harm her. If it wasn't for what Yu Guo said at the airport at the end, maybe she would really be sad and never come back.

Meeting Xu Qinqi was purely coincidental, and coming back to live in his empty house was also because she had no place to live in the capital.

At that time in foreign countries, Xu Qinqi's father was critically ill. In order to stabilize his father's emotions and not let his father have any regrets, Xu Qinqi talked to her for a long time. Seeing that he was always depressed, Su Zhaoxue agreed to go. Pretending to be his girlfriend's.

How did she know that she pretended to be a girlfriend, and finally made a fuss and proposed a marriage in the ward. Su Zhaoxue looked at the expectant eyes of the old man on the hospital bed, and had no choice but to put on the diamond ring for marriage proposal.

(End of this chapter)

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