After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 347 Qin Zexi's Child

Chapter 347 Qin Zexi's Child
On the day she returned to China, she went for a maternity checkup, so she didn't have time to take off the ring and return it to him, so she was photographed.

From the beginning to the end, Su Zhaoxue never concealed from Xu Qinqi that she liked Qin Zexi, and it was impossible for her to be with him.

She thought Xu Qinqi was so smart that he understood.

As everyone knows, it turned out that she thought he understood all along.

However, Xu Qinqi laughed at this time: "I understand, I have always understood."

"But little fairy, maybe after tomorrow, you won't say such things."

After Xu Qinqi finished speaking, he glanced at Qin Zexi, turned around and left the room.

Qin Zexi stood aside without speaking, frowning deeply, looking in the direction of the door as if thoughtful.

The room was silent for about three seconds. Su Zhaoxue looked at him several times with a guilty conscience, and then carefully explained: "I really have nothing to do with him."

She felt that what she just explained was very clear!
Although she was very grateful to Xu Qinqi for taking care of her, she was grateful and she never gave Xu Qinqi any hint of ambiguity.

Only then did Qin Zexi turn his head, and then looked at Su Zhaoxue: "I think I forgot something very important."

"Well, what?" Su Zhaoxue was stunned for a moment.

"Diamond ring."

Su Zhaoxue:
This was all he had been thinking about for a long time?
Qin Zexi caught an early flight early the next morning and left. Su Zhaoxue was a light sleeper. Although Qin Zexi was already light and soft when she got up early and tried to avoid making noise, Su Zhaoxue still woke up.

In order to let her rest for a while, Qin Zexi didn't let her see her off, but just hugged her reluctantly for a while, and then he left.

When she left, she did not forget to tell her to eat well, take good care of herself, and also take care of the baby in her belly.

Su Zhaoxue thought that the previous words were just a foil, and it was only serious to let her take good care of this one in her stomach.

Why do you feel that you have already felt a status crisis before you were born?

I couldn't sleep anymore, so I washed up and planned to go to the hotel cafeteria to see if there was any breakfast.

But it doesn't matter, Wang Xuan'er called her.

Su Zhaoxue was a little surprised that Wang Xuan'er woke up so early, picked up the phone, and teased intentionally: "Xuan'er, don't tell me you haven't slept all night."

"Miss, have you read today's trending searches?" Unexpectedly, Wang Xuan'er's voice was urgent.

Su Zhaoxue was also stunned for a moment: "I just got up, I didn't pay attention, what's wrong?"

"The hot search uploaded that the child in Xia Si'en's stomach belongs to Qin Zexi."

"How is it possible?" Su Zhaoxue laughed, clearly not believing it.

"I also don't think it's possible, so I specially called Miss Sister to ask you. I'm afraid you will think wildly when you see it. I don't think Qin Zexi is that kind of person. But now, listening to Miss Sister, I can rest assured." Wang Xuan'er seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and then said in a crisp voice.

Su Zhaoxue seemed to wake up at this moment, the trending search that Wang Xuaner said was true!
"Xuan'er, I won't tell you now."

Without time to say anything more, Su Zhaoxue quickly hung up the phone, and immediately clicked on Weibo.

Sure enough, as Wang Xuan'er said, the top three searches on Weibo were all about Xia Sien's child being Qin Zexi!
(End of this chapter)

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