After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 348 Led by Xu Qinqi

Chapter 348 Led by Xu Qinqi
This news seems to have sprung up overnight, and I don't know where to get a big paternity test form!
Su Zhaoxue really found it ridiculous, Xia Sien and Qin Zexi didn't even meet each other, how could they have children.

Moreover, there is a wave of calculations on the Internet based on the time of Xia Sien's pregnancy, saying that Xia Sien was pregnant when she was filming a variety show in City G. Qin Zexi happened to be in City G at that time, and often went to the hotel where the program team was staying.

What you say is true, the key is that there are still a group of people who follow suit!
Su Zhaoxue roughly searched through those hot searches, and found that the original source of the news seemed to be from Xu Qinqi's Weibo reply!
In the early hours of this morning, Xu Qinqi suddenly posted a Weibo, which was also a paternity test.

Looking at the above content, it is a comparison between Xia Sien's placental villi after his miscarriage and his hair, and the result is that there is no blood relationship.

That is to say, the child in Xia Sien's stomach is not Xu Qinqi's.

And Xia Sien posted a Weibo before, saying that the truth is that there will be a day when the clouds and mists will be cleared to see the sun!
Combining the Weibo of the two, I don't know who they are, but they actually replied under Xu Qinqi's Weibo, didn't Xia Sien go to Su Zhaoxue before she had a miscarriage? Does that mean that Xia Sien's child has something to do with Qin Zexi.

This reply has the most likes among all the replies, and the bottom status reply is also 9999+, which shows how popular it is!
Su Zhaoxue clicked on the account and took a look, only to find that the account was a small account, and there was no avatar or any Weibo posts, and the only activity mark was Xu Qinqi's reply under Weibo.

And what's even more ridiculous is that the account registration date was two days ago.

It's not difficult to imagine that someone deliberately registered a new account, which was deliberately used to bring rhythm.

Su Zhaoxue was really pissed off, and really wanted to go back under those nonsense accounts, but after thinking about it, after all, most people don't understand the truth of the matter, so it will give rhythm to those deliberately people create opportunities.

After waiting for more than two hours, thinking that Qin Zexi should have gotten off the plane, he called him.

After listening to Su Zhaoxue's words, Qin Zexi wasn't surprised. Instead, he laughed, "I probably guessed it yesterday."

"En?" Su Zhaoxue was stunned for a moment, but soon realized: "You mean this matter was led by Xu Qinqi?"

"Almost, but he probably isn't alone."

Want to punish Qin Zexi, but not alone!

Su Zhaoxue suddenly thought of something: "You mean Xu Qinqi and Song Yiran? They know each other?"

"Well, they have been together before, and part of the Xu family's property is still in Gu Ping's hands. At this time, with this move, Xu Qinqi should want to get back the Xu family's property, and the mother and daughter I probably thought that if this was the case, I would not be able to establish prestige in the Gu family, thus driving me out of the Gu family."

"What should I do?" Su Zhaoxue suddenly became a little anxious: "Why don't I go to the hospital to find Xia Sien now?"

However, Qin Zexi remained calm, and instead came to comfort her: "It's okay, don't worry about me, take care of yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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