After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 354 Why is Xia Sien in

Chapter 354 Why is Xia Sien in

The reason is because Qin Zexi doesn't want to marry Xia Sien!

After Xia Sien was discharged from the hospital, he posted a Weibo.

The general content is, please don't randomly speculate about the child. She has been under a lot of pressure recently, so depressed that she is about to commit suicide, so please let her go and let her live her life with peace of mind.

It's a good thing she didn't post this Weibo, but once she posted it like this, the discussion became more and more heated.

Some even speculated that Xia Sien was depressed because he was threatened.

The crew had no role for Su Zhaoxue in the last two days, so she asked for leave and went back to the capital.

When the plane landed, it was already evening, Su Zhaoxue took a taxi and went back to Gu's mansion.

She didn't go in directly, but found a place at the gate of Gu's mansion, hoping to wait for Qin Zexi to come back.

It wasn't because she was afraid to go in alone, but she thought it would give Qin Zexi a surprise.

Su Zhaoxue was thinking about the scene after meeting Qin Zexi. It had been about ten days since the last time they met, and she really missed him.

It's just that he has been very busy recently, and the time of calling her seems to be not on time, and sometimes he will call her almost in the early hours of the morning.

It's just that Su Zhaoxue's role on the set is also very important. Every time she goes back to the hotel, she is exhausted. She didn't hear Qin Zexi's calls two or three times.

Later, probably because he was afraid of affecting her rest, Qin Zexi stopped calling her in the early morning.

Sometimes when I am too busy, I will send her a message to explain.

The two hadn't talked on the phone for several days, and Su Zhaoxue even felt a little nostalgic for his voice.

Su Zhaoxue waited at the gate of Gu's house from dawn until dark. The door of Gu's mansion was opened once, and a car drove out, but it was not Qin Zexi's.

And then the door was always closed!

Su Zhaoxue waited and waited, originally wanted to call him halfway, but after thinking about it, he was probably too busy, so he came back a little late.

When it was almost nine o'clock in the evening, Su Zhaoxue received a call from Qin Zexi unexpectedly.

"What are you doing?" Qin Zexi's voice was unusually soft, and Su Zhaoxue seemed to have disappeared in an instant because she was exhausted from waiting for him.

"are you still at get off work?"

"Well, ready to go."

It seemed that Zhong Lian and Qin Zexi could be heard talking on the phone.

"Go back quickly, I won't bother you for now, we're talking on the phone when we get home."

Su Zhaoxue was extremely excited when she thought that she would see him soon, for fear that Qin Zexi would discover something abnormal about herself, so she couldn't surprise him.

He simply hung up the phone without waiting for him to speak.

While waiting for him, I wondered whether I should rush out and stop his car, or call him after seeing his car and tell him that I was at the door.

It's just that this wait is more than an hour!

When Su Zhaoxue felt that her legs were numb and she could not stand on her heels, Su Zhaoxue finally saw Qin Zexi's car slowly approaching.

When Su Zhaoxue got excited, she rushed out directly, and then happily jumped and waved her hands.

It was Zhong Lian who drove the car, Su Zhaoxue's sudden appearance really made him jump, and subconsciously stepped on the brakes!
(End of this chapter)

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